Crowd Goes Crazy Over Jack Russell Terrier Who Fearlessly Jumps Into the Water at the Beach

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Beachgoers in St. Peters, Malta were treated to more than the perfect beach day. A Jack Russell Terrier treated the crowd to some truly terrifying stunts. Thankfully, no one seemed to mind the dog's antics — in fact, they cheered as the little dog put on a show.

The dog didn't hesitate as it leapt from boulders surrounding the water. And the whole thing was caught on camera by backpackers @ishandbaz.

You know how in the United States there are only certain beaches you can bring your dog to? Well this is the complete opposite of that. The beach couldn't have been more picturesque that day. But when the Jack Russell decided to do his first jump he really won the crowd over.

Related: Jack Russel Terrier Is Having a ‘Greek Girl Summer’ and the Internet Is So Into It

The clip shows the Jack Russell Terrier's owner jumping in the water first. Then he urged the dog to join him. The two jumped again and again into the ocean. In between they took breaks to paddle around and enjoy the day. Everytime the dog did make a leap, the crowd went wild. The dog was the star of the show that day, that's for sure.

The comments section was here for our favorite new Olympic diver. "Jack Russells are literally willing to jump into anything and everything. Including moving car windows," joked one person. "It's the collective 'awwhhh' every time," someone else pointed out. "I absolutely love every angle of this beautiful moment," gushed one commenter. "Eight point five dive there.. a bit of a splash but otherwise worth a silver medal at least. The finish climb onto the trainer was worth half an extra point," joked one person.

Jack Russells Are Natural Swimmers

Your Jack Russell Terrier could also be the star of the beach...albeit one who maybe takes less risk. Unlike some dogs who hate the water, Jack Russells are actually great swimmers and take to it easily. It's basically instinct to them. They see the water and know what to do.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take precautions however. You'll always want to start small with your dog and work your way up. As far as swimming goes, that means taking your dog to shallow water first and working your way towards the deep end. You might even want to get floaties or a doggie life vest that they can use until they're comfortable without them.

It's also best to start in a body of water that isn't crowded and is relatively calm. If you're going to a natural body of water, make sure it's one that you know well and one that allows dogs.

Your Jack Russell should be fine to swim on their own after a few short "lessons." But for new experiences like these it's always better to play it on the safe side.

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