The Dangers of 'Clen', or Clenbuterol, According to Experts

muscular men drink his nutritional supplement in gym
The Dangers of 'Clen', According to Experts Milan_Jovic - Getty Images

BULKING IS A long and arduous process. It takes years of hard work in the gym, and planning in the kitchen. It's only human nature to want to find a solution that makes growing muscle quicker and easier.

One of drugs promising that is clenbuterol, better known as 'clen' among the gym community. It's popular with bodybuilders and athletes because it is rumored to build muscle and promote fat loss, says Jena Brown, R.D., C.S.S.D., owner of Victorem Performance Nutrition.

"Bodybuilding aside, some celebrities have reportedly used it for weight loss, so it’s also gained some traction among non-athletes," says Kim Yawitz, R.D.

Ahead, learn more about the drug, and why you definitely shouldn't dabble in it.

What is clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol started making the rounds in bodybuilding circles in the late 1980s, during a time when more and more sporting organizations were banning anabolic steroids, says Yawitz.

“Known by some as 'dopers delight,' clenbuterol was wrongly touted as a more natural approach to building muscle, simply because it’s not a steroid,” she says. “Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant that may promote fat loss and muscle growth [by enhancing muscle protein synthesis], so some bodybuilders still take it these days, even though it would technically disqualify you from competing as a natural athlete.”

The chemicals in clenbuterol work by helping open the airway, making it easier to breathe, “but bodybuilders and other athletes take it because [it produces] amphetamine-like effects,” says Yawitz.

Is clenbuterol legal?

In America, the FDA has not approved clenbuterol for human use. Clenbuterol is also not allowed to be used in food-producing animals, says Brown, and was banned by both the World Anti-Doping Agency and also the International Olympic Committee for athletes.

In other countries, clenbuterol is used to treat asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other breathing difficulties. “It acts as both a decongestant and a bronchodilator, making it easier to breathe by constricting the blood vessels that cause congestion while simultaneously opening the airway,” Yawitz says.

Does clenbuterol have any risks?


Clenbuterol is used as an asthma drug in humans outside the United States, but the risks of taking clenbuterol far outweigh any potential short-term benefits, says Brown. Very few studies have been conducted on clenbuterol with human subjects (likely due to the potential risks involved).

“There are serious health risks when taking clenbuterol including heart damage and death,” says Brown. Other reported side effects include anxiety, muscle tremors, headaches, increased perspiration, raised body temperature, electrolyte imbalances, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, heart damage, changes in blood pressure, and heart attack.

Why You Should Never Take a Clenbuterol Supplement

You should absolutely not take a clenbuterol supplement, despite what bodybuilding forums might tell you, Yawitz says.

In case you need some more convincing (death should have done it for ya, though!), it’s worth noting that “most clenbuterol in the United States is illegally imported from other countries, and some of it is cut with other (potentially dangerous) substances,” says Yawitz. “There’s no guarantee that any clenbuterol supplement in the U.S. is pure and safe, and the risk of dangerous side effects is still pretty high even when you buy clenbuterol from a medical supplier with good manufacturing practices. To make matters worse, these side effects tend to linger—clenbuterol has a long half-life and remains in the body for quite a while.”

Believe us, we’re all for bulking up—safely. The goods news is you can do it without supplements. It just takes some time and consistency in the gym. Here's how to start.

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