Dog Mom Calls His Bernese-Beagle Pack In for ‘Croissant Friday’ and Everyone Is Celebrating

CC Kristesoro/Shutterstock

If there's one holiday we should all really celebrate, it's Croissant Friday. We know, we know, it's not conventional. But who wouldn't want to cap off the end of the week with a warm and flakey croissant? One pet owner even went as far as to invite all her dogs to take part in the festivities, and video of the family chowing down together is too cute for words.

The dog mom had a hilarious way of getting her many dogs to gather.

Anyone who's ever heard their pups come running from merely filling their dog bowl with food will understand the vibe. In the video from @sparrowtherapypack, it shows the dog mama squeezing one of her baked goods. And the noise alone brought all her dogs running.

Related: Beagle Attempts to Steal Croissant on Bike Like a Multi-Task King

All three of her Bernese Mountain Dogs and her Beagle walked over to the kitchen.

"Who's ready guys?" she asked them. Um, they were mom. They were more than ready. Some of her pups even asked for a double serving of croissants.

The comments section loved the way this family gets down on a Friday. "I need to hear the lore behind croissant Friday," begged one person. "Bappers doesn’t discriminate, he’ll take a dropped croissant from anyone," someone else joked. "TGICF!! (Thank God It’s Croissant Friday!!)" cheered a third commenter. "Like a true Beagle, Luna heard the croissants from a whole floor away!" one commenter teased.

What Human Foods Can Dogs Eat?

It's certainly no secret that people sometimes like to sneak their dogs some of their food. Ideally, you'd only be serving your pup their dog food. But hey, we're only human.

Not all human food is made equal, however. There are some treats that dogs should just never eat. Here is a list of foods that are a-okay for dogs to eat (as a treat):

If your dog is hankering for a snack, apples or carrots are totally fine. In fact, carrots are sort of good for teeth and can help remove plaque. While apples are a good source of fiber and can aid in digestion.

White rice is another good food to serve your dog if they have an upset tummy. However you don't want to give it to your dog too often as it can raise their blood sugar levels.

Not only is peanut butter with no added sweeteners or sugar totally fine for your pup. But they actually really love the stuff. You'll want to make sure that your peanut butter doesn't contain a sweetener called xylitol, a sweetener that can be toxic to pups, but otherwise is fine to give dogs as a rare treat.

Now this isn't to say that your dog won't try and get more food from you. But as long as it's any of the foods on this list it should probably be totally alright.

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