Heroic Husky-Golden Retriever Mix Inducted Into 'Dog Hall of Fame' for Saving Parent's Life


An amazing Husky-Golden Retriever mix has been inducted into the "Dog Hall of Fame" after saving his dad's life.

According to CTV News, a dog named Bear has been inducted into the "Dog Hall of Fame," and he has an incredible story that got him there. Take a look!

Darren Cropper, who lives in Bonfield, Ontario, Canada, credits his beautiful dog with saving his life.

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The news station explains that on August 29, 2022, at four in the morning, Darren's dog, Bear, woke up his mom by "pouncing on her and howling in her ear," CTV News writes.

When Bear jumped on Janice, Darren's wife, she knew this was out of the ordinary, and when she woke, she realized Darren wasn't in bed.

Janice decided to get up and follow Bear, who went downstairs. Then Janice realized why their sweet dog had woken her up.

"I came down, and the dog had jumped over the couch and onto Darren, and I said, 'Holy crap,'" Janice recalled, according to the news station.

Janice saw her husband of 35 years on the floor and immediately called 911.

"Darren was taken to hospital where doctors determined he suffered a massive heart attack known as a 'widowmaker,'" CTV writes.

Darren explained to the news station that he didn't feel well early in the morning, so he went to the kitchen. This was around one a.m., and after walking down the stairs, he collapsed.

"I was coming downstairs … When I hit the bottom step, that’s all I could remember." And that's when Bear jumped into action, according to the family.

Darren told the news station that he saw Bear jumping up and down on his chest, until Darren regained consciousness.

"I remember coming around, and he was on my chest," Darren said. "He wasn’t even trained to do it. He just did it."

Bear's incredible actions that day, where he was credited with saving his parent's life, earned him a spot in the Purina Animal Hall of Fame. These awards are given to "amazing animals with outstanding acts of courage and heroism." And Bear certainly fits the bill.

“If it wasn’t for [Bear], everything would be a lot different,” Darren said.

There Are Incredible Ways Dogs Can Potentially Save Lives, Especially Service Dogs

While Bear wasn't trained to be a service dog, there are some incredible ways these pups can do what Bear has done and potentially save lives.

According to the American Kennel Club, "a service dog is trained to take a specific action that helps an individual with a disability participate in daily life more fully. The task the dog performs is directly related to the person’s disability."

Service dogs can be guide dogs, which help visually impaired and blind people to navigate safely. There are hearing dogs who help hard-of-hearing and Deaf people navigate their world safely, too.

Medical alert dogs can "signal the onset of a medical issue such as a seizure or low blood sugar, alert the user to the presence of allergens, and serve many other functions," the American Kennel Club adds.

Plus, psychiatric service dogs help people who struggle with mental health issues.
