Howling Husky Teaches Tiny Human Sibling the Sounds of His People and It's Precious


A stunning Siberian Husky teaches his human sibling how to howl, and it is heartwarming to see their bond.

On September 4, 2024, social media user That Husky Theo (@thathuskytheo) shared a video of the beautiful Siberian Husky teaching his human sibling the sounds of his people. Take a look!

In a beautiful video, we meet Theo, who taught his human sibling how to howl before the baby was born.

Related: Two Huskies Temporarily Separated By a Screen Door Put on a 'Dramatic' Performance

The video's title reads, "Our Husky after we found out we were having a baby. " In the video, Theo is sitting on a chair and howling to the ceiling.

"He started howling more," the video continues. "We were convinced he howled more so the baby could hear him." And Theo was howling everywhere: on the floor, the couch, the bed. Then the baby arrived.

"Our Husky once the baby arrived," the video's text reads, while Theo is howling and has the full attention of his baby sibling. "We are continuing to show him the art of howling."

Time passes in the video, and Theo is much older, and his baby human sibling is now a toddler, and all that work Theo did to show and teach him the sounds of the Husky dog paid off

"And now, when one howls, they both howl," the video text reads, while Theo and his sibling howl together.

"Watch our Husky's dream come true," the caption reads. From the comments, you can tell his video moved a lot of people.

One wrote, "he was announcing to the world that his brother was coming."

Another shared, "I have a husky! I also have a three-year-old daughter. I can only imagine how inseparable they are. My husky is SO protective of my sweet girl. I just love it."

Someone else added, "Their bond is unbreakable."

A commenter wrote, "Your husky adopted your baby."

Why Do Huskies Howl?

Ask any Husky parent, and they'll tell you that these pups can be loud because they love to howl. It's something you'll need to be comfortable with before adding one to your family. But why do the howl? It's how they communicate!

According to the American Kennel Club, "Siberian Huskies are known for their very communicative vocalizations: whining, screaming, howling, yelping, and such a range of sounds that one could very well consider it 'talking.'"

Although these dogs are super vocal, they don't bark very often like most dogs do. However, they do use different vocalizations to communicate and express themselves through howls, and other sounds.

"Your Husky will let you know, loudly and often, if they’re excited, bored, feeling defiant, stressed out, or just want to chat with you," the American Kennel Club explains. "Though we may not understand precisely what they’re 'saying,' we usually get a pretty good idea of what they mean."

Huskies also react with a howl or other vocalizations to sounds—like sirens, a baby crying, and any sound from high-frequency television, and many Husky parents say their sweet dog loves to "sing" to music.
