This is just too cute!


Eggnog is an English Bulldog known on social media for modeling adorable costumes. She gets dressed up for holidays and events and always looks beyond cute in her outfits. Towards the end of August, her mom dressed her up in a Garfield the cat costume, and it made me want to get both a Bulldog and an orange cat!

The video starts with Eggnog asking us all if we want to see her Garfield costume. Next thing you know she has it on and is sitting regally showing it off. She's the spitting image of Garfield and looks adorable!

Eggnog asks at the end if we like the Garfield the cat costume, and people left more than 2 thousand comments saying that they did! @pretzelthedachshund loved it, "I can’t handle the cuteness!" @Sum said, "Cutest Garfield!!! Who’s with me ??" @FishFood made me laugh when they said, 'No I don’t like it… I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!"

Related: TikToker Starts Fun Series Handing 'Real-Life Garfield' Cat Random Objects

Do All Dogs Like Wearing Clothes and Shoes?

Based on all of the TikToks I've seen of Eggnog wearing different outfits (and she's even patient enough to pose with matching props!), I think it's safe to say that she doesn't mind her mom dressing her up. But if I tried to put those outfits on my dog, there's no way she'd let me do it!

Do all dogs like getting dressed up? Dogster explains it's not a simple yes or no answer, and that it really just depends on the dog. They add, "There is undoubtedly a market for doggie clothing; the global pet clothing market was valued at over $5 million in 2021 and is expected to increase to roughly $269 million by 2030." People spend a lot of money dressing up their fur babies!

But there are some stress/anxiety signs that will tell you if your dog doesn't like putting clothes on. Some of the signs of stress include:

Dogster goes on to say that sometimes paw-rents put their dogs in clothes because they have to due to weather conditions or for safety reasons. These include booties on their feet (in extreme hot or cold weather to avoid injuries to their paw pads) as well as sweaters or coats in cold conditions, lifejackets for safety, UV-blocking t-shirts, and even vests "(reflective vests for visibility, thunder shirts for anxiety, cooling vests)".

Some dogs love wearing clothing (or at least tolerate it) while others hate it. If your dog doesn't enjoy getting dressed up, just skip it. It's not worth the stress that it causes and unless there's a reason for them to have it on, there's no reason to make them uncomfortable.

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