Livestock Guardian Dog Is Hilariously Confused by ‘Wiggle Worm’ Border Collie Puppy

CC RobbeA/Shutterstock

Puppies love to play, and sometimes they can annoy their older siblings. Raventree Ranch is home to many dogs, including Livestock Guardian dogs who look after their goats and livestock. They recently welcomed a new Border Collie puppy to join the pack and it definitely has puppy energy! They posted a video of their unnamed 'wiggle worm' on Sunday, June 23rd, and it's the cutest thing you'll see today!

The video starts with one of the guardian dogs watching the puppy wiggle around crazily. You can almost see the energy exuding from the pup! The older dog isn't sure what to do with it, and its face says exactly what he thinks about the new family addition. Watch on to see how the other dogs react with the puppy - it'll make you smile!

Raventree's video made me laugh! The other dogs look exhausted just watching all of the puppy's energy. They don't know what to do with the baby, and all the little one wants to do is play with everybody! People left some fun comments about the video. @Annie pointed out, "Judge was like help I don’t know what to do with wiggle worms." and @Chey added, "Judge backing up like “this one can’t possibly be my responsibility” and meanwhile June is like “let’s be friends” LOL!" Another commenter said, "Mom I think this one is broken, what do we do with it?" and @im2ys4u made me laugh with, "Puppy!!!!!! Poor Bo gonna be asking for a GoFundMe for an airline ticket haha!"

Related: Border Collie Puppy’s First Time Herding Sheep Shows What a Natural He Is

What Do Livestock Guardian Dogs Do?

Like their name suggests, Livestock Guardian dogs are protectors of other animals on a farm; in this case, they protect goats. If you're like me and don't live on a ranch or farm, you probably have no idea what these dogs do and might be wondering what exactly do they do?

These dogs protect goats, sheep, cattle, and chickens from predators which of course helps farmers and ranchers from losing animals on the farm (read: losing money). Predators include coyotes, bobcats, cougars, foxes, wild dogs, and bears to name a few. Guardian dogs also help to keep predators off of farmland, which means farmers need to use less traps and other lethal means to keep predators away.

Which dog breeds make the best Livestock Guardian Dogs? Certain breeds have the natural instincts, temperament, and talent for farm work. Dogs like Border Collies, Anatolian Shepherds, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Great Pyrenees are some of the best dogs to have around.

Hopefully we'll learn the Border Collie's puppy name soon! The pup has a lot to learn in the coming months, and I'm sure the other dogs will all step in and teach it what it needs to know. I can't wait to watch it grow!

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