Memphis Zoo’s Funny Pool Safety ‘Rules’ for Their Bears Are a Riot

Shutterstock/Tony Campbell

While the kids are already headed back to school, we still have a month or so of summer left, and it is still very hot here in Atlanta! Apparently, it's still hot in Tennessee too because the Memphis Zoo posted a video of their bears enjoying pool time, and it looks like they're beating the heat by splashing around. The Zoo shared a video on Sunday, August 18th with some of the pool rules they put in place for their 'beary' excited pool guests.

From reminding the bears to use floatation devices as needed, to no horseplay (uh, I mean bear play!), and more, the Zoo came up with some rules that not only apply to the bears, but that we can apply to our kids too! Watch on to hear the rest of the rules, and to watch some adorable bears enjoying pool time.

Which was your favorite? I think mine was the one with the bear's wrestling in the water - it's something I yell at my kids to stop doing every time they're in the pool! I also liked the reminder about not eating in the water, something that all kids seem to enjoy doing. While the Zoo hasn't received many comments on the video yet, I couldn't help but laugh at @scarletOPenguin's comment, "Very respectful, very demure"...a nod to the currently viral TikTok trend going on!

Related: Lake Tahoe Photographer Catches Black Bear Going for a Leisurely Swim in the Sun

Polar Bears Love to Play in the Water

Now I want to head to Memphis to visit the zoo and see all of these cute bears, and you probably do, too! I enjoyed watching all the different bears splash around, but polar bears hold a special place in my heart. I visited the San Diego Zoo years ago, and a friendly polar bear swam up and was interacting with me. She then turned around and 'mooned' me and I got a picture of her 'bear butt'! It's still hanging up on a board of random pictures in our garage.

Polar bears love playing on land and in the water. According to Polar Bears International, polar bears use vocalizations and body language to let others know they're ready to have some fun. One way that they say, "Come on! Let's go play!" is by wagging their heads from side to side. Then they hop in and get the party started.

Polar bears have been spotted playing with things that they've found lying around. Things like sticks and rocks, and in captivity, they'll play with balls to keep themselves entertained. Check out these two friends playing on a raft - it's the second one that they've gotten because they destroyed the first one because they had so much fun with it.

These two sisters at the Oregon Zoo love playing tug of war with each other. Bears often initiate play by mock battling. They stand on their hind legs, lower their chins to their chest, and let their front paws hang by their sides. These fights are important because they're learning how to defend themselves during future battles in the wild and honing their skills to become fierce fighters.

I can't wait to see what the bears do to keep themselves busy later this year in the fall and winter. I hope the Zoo shares their antics because they're just too cute and a joy to watch!

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