Mom Gets Boxer a Splash Pad and He's the Definition of Unimpressed


With summer here, many of us are hard at work trying to keep our fur babies cool in the heat. If you don't have a pool for them to splash around in, a sprinkler or kiddie pool can do the trick, as can a splash pad. Kevin is an adorable Boxer puppy and his mom thought he might have fan splashin' around on a splash pad. She shared a video on Tuesday, June 25th of her introducing her pup to the pad, and he wasn't having it.

The video starts with Kevin approaching the splash pad, sniffing at it. Mom turns on the water and that's when things begin to go sideways. He does not like getting wet! She then encourages him to get onto the pad, even throwing a couple of treats in hoping he'll fish them out. But even treats weren't enough to make Kevin hop in!

I have a puppy - she's a mutt - and she also is not a fan of the water. This was so surprising to me because she's the first dog I've ever had that doesn't like the water! We were so excited to take her on our boat on the lake, and she wanted no part of playing on the shore or diving into the water. She also won't play in the sprinkler in our yard. We're so bummed she's not a water dog! Funny enough, she loves getting in the shower. She's a weird dog!

Fans of Kevin's who had their own Boxers could relate to his reaction to the splash pad. @Stevie shared, "My 3 boxers are severely scared of their water pad too." and @ellyn265 added, "We just got one today for my Boxer she did the exact same thing LOL!" @Jean van Heerden wasn't wrong when she pointed out, "They have amazing expressions!"

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Do Boxers Like the Water?

There are characteristics that certain dog breeds are known for, and Boxers not liking the water is one of them. That's not to say that no Boxers like playing in the water, but generally speaking, they're not fans. And remember, not all dogs are born knowing how to swim which can also be a factor when it comes to water.

The National Canine Research Association of America explains, "When a dog swims, they need their mouth and nose above the water to breath. To achieve that, the dog must tilt their head upwards. Boxers have considerably short muzzles, which creates difficulty maintaining their balance in the water." Add to this the fact that they have dense muscle mass and a chest disproportionately larger than their hindquarters, and it makes it difficult for them to stay above the water's surface.

While Kevin might eventually get used to the splash pad and enjoy playing in it, but he also may not. And that's okay! But it's important to remember not to force your dog to do anything that they don't want to do, especially if they are already afraid of the water. Not only can it make them distrustful of you, but it can potentially lead to aggressive behavior.

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