Moment Foster Pit Bull Recognizes Former Mom After 4.5 Years Apart Will Bring Anyone to Tears

CC Mary Swift/Shutterstock

Someone pass the Kleenex because we're about to start bawling. Over four years ago a woman named Kate fostered the most adorable Pit Bull. She never dreamed they would meet again. Cut to today, when the two have been reunited. And their meeting has people on the internet in tears.

It must've been fate for these two to find each other again. As a video that Kate shared shows, their connection was just so strong.

In the footage Kate posted, it shows her and the Pit Bull, Nacho, together way back in 2020. The two had so many good times together. Nacho was adopted three months after Kate took him in — she thought that was it. Nacho was off to a new family that loved him and they would never see each other again.

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Flash forward to today when a pal showed Kate a listing from the Nebraska Humane Society — it was the same dog. Now not only were the two going to come back together, but Kate decided to make it official. She adopted the Pittie outright. Nacho even remembered her — and footage of the two seeing each other for the first time totally proved it.

People in the comments section were practically sobbing. "You have a soul dog. I’m so glad he made his way back to you," wrote one person. "I am very happy you found one another again," someone else chimed in. "When he spotted you and his ears went up. I teared up! So glad you were able to rescue him again," added someone else.

Nacho and Kate’s Journey Together Has Had Many Twists and Turns

As Kate explained in her post, she started fostering dogs in 2020 and was sort of thrown in the deep end with Nacho.

"I met the behavior team at Nebraska Humane Society (NHS) and for some reason unbeknownst to me, they entrusted me with fostering diamond dogs, aka diamonds in the rough, aka pups with a variety of behavior issues," she wrote in the caption.

The first two dogs she fostered were adopted quickly, but Nacho stuck around.

"I picked up this white-and-black-spotted-blue-eyed-strong-boy named Nacho as my third foster," she added. "Somewhere between the bruises he gave me, counters he surfed, bottles of wine he made me drink, and training tip phone calls with NHS behavior team, I fell in love with the little mans."

She wanted to adopt the dog but she already had another pup on the way. Then in June 2024 her other dog Cash passed "due to a ruptured tumor." It didn't seem like the right time to take on a new pet, but when she was sent Nacho's page on the rescue's website it felt like destiny.

"His second stint at NHS was approximately six weeks as an unclaimed stray and it took me approximately two seconds after seeing updated photos to know I had to drive back to Nebraska for him," she wrote. "So that’s what I did on Friday. He has been re-named back to Nacho, and is settling in so nicely like the king he is."

The woman was grateful to everyone who put the two back in touch. But mostly she thanked her late pup, Cash, who surely had a hand in all this.

"Without her I truly don’t think all these pieces would have fallen into place."

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