Rescued Basset Hound’s First Time Snuggling With Mom Is a True Gift

Shutterstock/Daniel Myjones

Rescuing a dog or cat is such an awarding experience, but rescued animals sometimes come with baggage. Cinthanie is a dog mom who adopted a Basset Hound three months ago. The dog had been through some sort of trauma and was 'terrified' of people. She shared a video on Mother's Day to show the progress the two of them had made, and it will make you smile.

The video starts with her recording her rescued pup lying on the floor by himself. She explains she's slowly been gaining his trust, and she received an unexpected gift for Mother's Day - he finally snuggled with her! I think the true gift though is the way he looked at her, that gave me all of the feels!

Cinthanie waited patiently for months, and if finally paid off. You can tell from this video that the rescued dog finally trusts and loves her. This was the perfect Mother's Day gift and probably the only one she wanted! Commenters also loved the sweet moment that Cinthanie shared with her Basset Hound. @R.Flores shared, "Those eyes say, “Thank you for not giving up on me mama”!" and @Kylee Waters added, "Not me bawling at all the love he was looking at you with!" Another commenter said, "Aww!!! I have been following along and I love this for you!"

Related: Basset Hound Who's 'Feeling Emotional' Has So Many People Feeling Him

More About Rescued Dogs as Pets

Are you in the market to bring home a dog to make a part of your family? If so, it's worth considering adopting a rescued dog. We rescued a puppy who had been abandoned with her mom and siblings, and it was the best thing we ever did. Dogs with special needs, senior dogs, and dogs that are not puppies are less likely to find a family to call their own because everybody wants a cute little puppy. Did you know black dogs are one of the hardest dogs to find homes for? Specific dog breeds (like Pit Bulls) also find it challenging to find a forever home. With so many dogs out there looking for homes, adopting a dog can save its life.

Is a rescue dog right for your family? Oftentimes rescues come with baggage because of what they've experienced before arriving at your home. These dogs often experience abandonment, trauma, growing up as a stray, or neglect - this might be why Cynthanie's Basset Hound doesn't trust people and was terrified of them. But as this video proved, with patience and lots of love, these dogs can come around.

I'm all for choosing a rescued dog and saving a life, but it isn't for everybody. Make sure to do your research and even talk to others who have brought a rescued dog home. It may be more work than you are willing to commit to.

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