Rescuer Slowly Wins Over Traumatized Cat Caught in Drainpipe and It's Too Sweet

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It can be hard for stray animals to know who to trust, especially if they’ve been living rough for a while. Once I had a foster dog so starved for kindness—and, to be honest, starved in general—that she’d snap at people trying to feed her before attempting to gulp down a bowl of kibble in a single bite. We solved this conundrum by only feeding her inside her crate, so she’d know that it was just her and food in there, and no one could get to it except her. Also, we spread her food out on a cookie tray instead of putting it in a bowl so she was forced to slow down and chase the kibble pieces around the tray.

Wouldn’t you know it? Within a few weeks, she’d put on a lot of weight and became the most loving, grateful dog you could possibly imagine. She’d stand patiently in her crate at mealtimes, feeling confident and assured that her food was always coming. Inside that scared stray was a total sweetheart.

So I have high hopes for this hiss monster of a kitten this rescuer found hiding in a drain pipe. She may be scared now, but she doesn’t yet realize she’s been touched by an angel.

In this video, a cat rescuer details the transformation this kitty went after she was alerted to his presence in a metal drainpipe. The small gray kitten hissed and clawed at her when she first approached, and was extremely wary. But after baiting him with food, she was finally able to get the pitiful creature emerge from its hiding place and snag it in a humane trap.

Related: Family Sweetly Rescues Stray Black Cat Whose Paw Froze Off

Once she had the kitten in the crate, she took it back to her rescue center, where she was able to examine it, feed it, and—most importantly—show the cat that she only had his best interests at heart.

First, she tried to pet him while she was feeding him. He was so hungry, he even let her. Soon enough, he’s willing to step out of the cage altogether and ask for pets. By the end of the video, he’s rolling his back, grateful to receive the love and affection that she’s offering.

Who knew beneath the facade of that hissing monster there was such a little love?

Winning the Affection of a Stray Cat

People who care for homeless and feral cats will tell you that some of them are set in their wild ways, while others long for the pampered life of a house cat and are happy to be taken home by adopters. The trick is figuring out which is which, as well as whether or not it’s safe to trap an outdoor cat and take it with you.

Any cat that you take in off the street should be taken to the vet to test for communicable diseases and kept in isolation from the other animals of the house at first. They should also be checked and treated for parasites like fleas, ticks, worms, mites, and other—more microscopic—creepy crawlies.

This Cat’s Future

In the comments, people suggest names for the kitten, everything from Wesley Pipes to Piper to Mario (presumably because of the video game character who so often jumps in pipes). Whatever his final name is, we hope he soon finds a far more comfortable forever home.

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