Shar Pei Mix Won’t Go to Sleep Without a Bedtime Tuck-in and It's Too Cute

CC Leandro M Henrich/Shutterstock

Ryder is very particular — well, he's very particular about one thing really. His bedtime. Don't mess with his nightly routine. The dog had to have a "strongly worded conversation" with his owner recently, after she neglected to tuck him in like he likes.

Don't we all like things just so before we go to sleep? Ryder does. In fact, the dog can't hit the hay without his owners making sure that he's snuggled up just right.

In the video his owner shared, it was almost like the rescue Shar Pei mix was making a complaint when he realized that no one was coming to tuck him in. And by that we mean he came over to his owner and stared at them and whined until they realized what he wanted.

Related: Shar Pei Mix Puppy Who Was 'Dragged Behind a Truck' Finally Gets Her Happy Ending

"Our rescue dog who spent two years in the shelter won't go to sleep until he's tucked in for night night," the person wrote in the video's text overlay. "My how things have changed," they joked.

But we think that's a good change, right? People in the comments section urged the dog parent to listen to their baby. "I NEED to see his nightly routine ASAP," wrote one person. "I literally hear him saying, tuck me in," another commenter joked. "Please tuck that baby in immediately," one person demanded.

Although many people couldn't help but notice that the dog has a very famous doppelganger: "Is his name Scooby? Does he solve mysteries? Lol, what a sweet baby! My heart! Oh my heart!" one person wrote.

How to Get Your Dog to Sleep Through the Night

While Ryder loves his bedtime tuck-in, there are lots of different rituals and routines you can do with your pup to help them get rest.

Dogs doze for most of the day, but the one thing you don't want is for your dog to sleep during the day and stay up all night. That's why it's best to take your dog for a long walk in the evening so that they'll be tired at night. If your dog is still full of energy, you might want to make their walk even longer.

Similarly, feed your dog earlier in the evening so they don't have to get up to go to the bathroom at night. Some experts might argue that dogs sleep better with a full stomach, which can be true. But if your dog routinely wakes up to go potty in the middle of the night, you might want to move their dinner time.

It can take some time to figure out what routine works best for your pup. But it's possible! Be forewarned, however. You'll have to repeat whatever works for the rest of your life.

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