Local city council candidates finalized in Merced County. Who’s running in your city?

With more crucial deadlines getting crossed off the general election calendar, the time for voters to turn in their ballots by Nov. 8 is inching closer.

Thursday marked the deadline for the Merced County Elections Office to post its certified list of local candidates. The list represents the official pool of contenders throwing their hats in the ring for local offices, including positions on area city councils and mayoral seats.

As incumbents vie to maintain their elected positions against the competition of hopeful newcomers, Merced County residents have the potential to use their votes to shake up current local leadership during the upcoming election.

Some races are guaranteed to result in change, as some cities’ current mayors and city council members are absent from the certified list of local candidates.

Here’s who Merced County voters can expect to see on their Nov. 8 election ballots for local city councils:


Merced City Council District 2 is again being pursued by incumbent Fernando Echevarria, as well as retired mailman Ronnie DeAnda.

Three candidates are challenging each other for the District 4 seat, but current City Councilmember Kevin Blake isn’t among those names.

Seeking his spot are radio journalist and businessman Casey Steed, trustee and legal counselor Shane Smith, and Javier Fuentes, a community member.

District 6 is contested by incumbent City Councilmember Delray Shelton and Fue Xiong, an engineer and housing advocate.


Atwater is another local city slated for a change in leadership.

Incumbent Mayor Paul Creighton’s name isn’t among those candidates hoping to steer the city’s helm ⁠— but that’s no surprise. Creighton announced last year that he intended to withdraw from his role in elected office to focus on his family and business.

After Creighton’s exit, Atwater’s mayoral seat is positioned to be taken over by one of two veteran public servants. Current City Councilmember and Mayor Pro Tem John Cale is competing against former Merced County Supervisor and small businessman Mike Nelson.

Atwater City Council District 3 could maintain its current leadership if incumbent Danny Ambriz, a technology technician, is reelected. But he must garner more votes than plumbing contractor James Murphy III to hold his seat.

City Council District 4 is on the ballot as well, but incumbent Councilmember and small business owner Brian Raymond is running uncontested.


Many Livingston resident’s eyes will be glued to their city’s local race, which will largely serve as a thermometer to measure the temperature of local politics.

For over a year, the city has been racked by a series scandals, accusations of corruption and calls for new leadership by residents and local leaders alike.

Guaranteeing a change in city leadership is the fact that incumbent Mayor Juan Aguilar is not running for a second term, nor are multiple incumbent City Council members.

Whether a the new representatives elected by Livingston voters will represent the change residents have been calling for remains to be seen.

Vying for Aguilar’s place are two challengers who currently serve on the council together, but have largely appeared at odds politically during recently fraught City Council meetings. City Councilmember and educator Maria Soto is slated to face off against Councilmember and teacher Jose Moran.

Five candidates are competing for two City Council seats. Neither incumbent and Mayor Pro Tem Raul Garcia nor incumbent Gagandeep Kang are seeking reelection.

Former Livingston mayor and information technology analyst Gurpal Samra is one familiar face among the list of competing candidates.

Also on that list is interpreter, coach and mother Alma Alvarez, planning commissioner Jason Roth, marine and truck driver Ruben Prusso, and Linda Placencia, a Realtor and bartender.


Incumbent Gustine Mayor Patrick Nagy is squaring off against one other candidate vying for a place back at the helm of the city. Dennis Brazil, a former Gustine mayor and retired businessman, has entered his name as a candidate to again lead the city.

Three candidates are contesting for two spots on the Gustine City Council. Incumbents Richard Ford and Derek Alexander are each competing to retain their elected positions.

But business owner Sherri Marsigli could shake the council up if voters cast a majority of votes her way.

Los Banos

While Los Banos Mayor Tom Faria isn’t running this election cycle, Paul Llanez is the only candidate listed, thus guaranteeing success at the ballot box.

Los Banos City Council District 2 is contested by appointed incumbent Refugio Llamas and Douglas Begonia Jr., an educator.

City Council District 3 is only being pursued by current Councilmember Brett Jones.

Dos Palos

Incumbent Dos Palos City Councilmembers Deborah Orlando and Thomas Pigg, who also serves as Dos Palos Mayor Pro Tem, are each running for reelection uncontested.
