Which zodiac sign am I most compatible with? Let the stars have a say in your relationships

Looking for love can feel like perfecting an impossibly specific recipe. So many things have to go right to find the right match. The secret sauce can include religion, politics, music taste, even hygiene habits. Oh, and the stars.

That's right, many people believe Zodiac compatibility can have a hand in relationship longevity and success. Not all signs get along though.

To give you a hand in finding your special someone we worked with astrologer Cleo Neptune to compile a list of the most compatible (and least compatible) zodiac signs for you based on the stars.

What is my zodiac sign? Horoscopes, astrology, and what the stars says about you.

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Learn more about each Zodiac sign

Pisces | Aquarius | Capricorn | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Libra | Virgo | Leo | Cancer | Gemini | Taurus | Aries



  • Leo

  • Gemini

  • Scorpio

"Usually, Aries like to be with people that let them be in charge," Neptune says. Since Aires are direct and forward, Leo is a good match as they enjoy that attention. The two signs feed off each other's energy and share both an excitement for life and an intense drive.

As for Aries and Gemini, they sextile each other, Neptune says, meaning they are 60° apart, and share a certain harmony. It is easy for them to gain mutual understanding.

Scorpio and Aries are ruled by the same planet, making them quite compatible. They are both forward and direct, but they differ in their motivations, Neptune explains.

Not compatible:

  • Capricorn

  • Libra

  • other Aries

A Capricorn and Aries might find there to be some friction in a romantic relationship, Neptune warns. Both signs prefer to be in charge, and while Aries likes to get things done quickly, Capricorn prefers to take their time.

Aries and Libra might piss each other off, Neptune jokes. Again, it comes down to time. While Aries would rather come to a decision quickly, a Libra prefers to weigh all their options first.

Fire signs usually complement each other, but two Aries in a relationship can be dangerous. They need other energy to offset themselves, Neptune says, likening it to two people who are touching a hot stove without realizing its hot.



  • Pisces

  • Libra

  • Virgo

A Taurus and Pisces know how to relax around each other, Neptune says, it's an easy connection.

As for Taurus and Libra, they are both ruled by Venus which makes the connection strong.

Taurus and Virgo, belonging to the same element, are both a similar kind of "earth sign critical," Neptune jokes, which makes it easy for them to find shared perspective.

Not compatible:

  • Capricorn

  • Sagittarius

  • Leo

Though Taurus and Capricorns are both earth signs and should therefore be compatible, Capricorns are little 'too grumpy' for Taureans, Neptune says.

Taurus and Sagittarius have "legendary astrology beef" Neptune says, and the two don't make a good match because Sagittarius takes too many risks.

While Taurus and Leo both like to be comfortable (they are both fixed signs) Leo might be a little too extravagant for Taurus's liking.

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  • Other Geminis

  • Aquarius

  • Virgo

Gemini is great in a pair. They love to find 'parrot-like' individuals to get along with, Neptune explains. Geminis tend to think the same and share a unique curiosity about the world around them.

Aquarius is also a great match for Gemini, Neptune says— both like a little mess. "It's not chaos with an agenda its chaos to see what they can learn from a situation," he emphasizes. Gemini can learn structure from Aquarius while an Aquarius can learn how to act on the changes they would like to make.

Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury, creating a certain compatibility. "Virgo's dry humor and Gemini's antics go really well together," Neptune says.

Not compatible:

  • Libra

  • Scorpio

  • Capricorn

Libra is too afraid to take risks to be with a Gemini, Neptune says. While Gemini is not easily humiliated, Libra might be embarrassed by what Gemini is doing.

As for Scorpio, they might crave more privacy than a Gemini can provide.



  • Leo

  • Aquarius

  • Pisces

Leo and Cancer and both ruled by the luminaries: the sun and the moon. Though they are opposites, they understand each other as "central to the plot" of everyone's movie, Neptune says. Essentially, both Leo and Cancer radiate main character energy and respect that about one another.

Aquarius can also be a good match for Cancer as they share an interest in society and sociology and are both talented conversationalists.

Pisces and Cancer, both water signs, are also a healthy pair, Neptune says. "Pisces will always understand where Cancer is coming from and that's all Cancer is seeking," he expands. Pisces can absorb Cancer's feelings and assign words to them.

Not compatible:

  • Sagittarius

  • Aries

Cancer and Sagittarius can both be 'zealots,' Neptune says, and with each one jockeying for control over larger groups of people, conflict may arise.

Cancer and Aries, both cardinal signs, can annoy each other, Neptune explains. They both dive in headfirst, but sometimes for Cancer, Aries is not paying enough attention to the emotional impetus for that dive.

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  • Aries

  • Cancer

  • Libra

Aries has a purpose and drive and is telling everyone about it and so is Leo, Neptune says. Aries can help inspire Leo to actually go for their dream.

As for Leo and Cancer, Cancer is really in touch with their emotions and Leo is very in touch with their identities, so they validate each other well.

Libra and Leo can work well but sometimes the energy is a bit too hot and burns quickly, making for something more short term.

Not compatible:

  • Taurus

  • Aquarius

Taurus and Leo both appreciate beauty but in different ways, which can lead to a clash. Aquarius, a bit more bashful and shy, might also but heads with Leo if Leo tries to show them off or push them into the spotlight.



  • Capricorn

  • Scorpio

  • Pisces

Neptune can't get enough of Capricorn-Virgo union, gushing that the two form a "beautiful earth sign relationship." Virgo is so neurotic, he explains, but Capricorn's planning, big picture nature helps to calm them. Both the signs also appreciate the value of privacy, and of moving in silence until a project is completed.

Virgo and Scorpio can also come together on privacy. They give each other space and time to work out the kinks before presenting something to the world.

Neptune is lukewarm about a Virgo-Pisces relationship. It could work, he muses, but it depends on the patience any particular Virgo has for cleaning up a mess. Pisces can be chaotic, and Virgo not so much.

Not compatible:

  • Aquarius

Virgo is very service-oriented, and Aquarius is as well but more from a philosophical point of view. Where a Virgo gets personally involved, an Aquarius might observe from afar and pontificate on how to make something better. This can create friction if a Virgo thinks Aquarius is too much talk, and not enough action.

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  • Leo

  • Aquarius

  • Pisces

Both Libra and Leo look at themselves and think 'Wow, I'm so beautiful,' Neptune jokes. They can show each other off at events and rely on each other for validation. The pair generates a very hedonistic energy, so it might be better for a fling, he says.

Libra also pairs well with Aquarius. Both air signs, they are very social, and are master networkers. They can be an event planning couple, Neptune says, in party because they are quite philanthropic, and very good at gathering resources outside of themselves.

Libra and Pisces make for a very peaceful couple. They can just feel good and float, they don't need to think about much when they are together, Neptune says, characterizing their relation as "very flowy and light-hearted."

Not compatible:

  • Sagittarius

  • Cancer

Even though they sextile, Sagittarius and Libra are not a strong match in Neptune's opinion. Sagittarius can be very toxic for Libra, he advises as Libra trusts very easily and sometimes Sagittarius is not deserving of that trust.

Libra and Cancer are both public facing, but Libra does not have as much of an emotional stake in who they are connecting with, Neptune says. A Cancer centers their emotions on how others think of them but Libra, ever charismatic, doesn't need outside validation to know they ARE the life of the party.



  • Capricorn

  • Taurus

  • Cancer

Both Capricorn and Scorpio desire privacy and won't announce what they're doing until it's done. You might not know they are dating until their wedding day, Neptune jokes. Every Scorpio needs some sort of earth energy, he says, but Capricorn is the best.

Taurus and Scorpio are not only sister signs, but the most peaceful of the sister signs Neptune says. They are both stubborn, and really mirror each other once they're comfortable.

Cancer and Scorpio are also a strong water sign pair. Cancer makes a really emotionally comfortable environment for Scorpio, which makes it so they don't feel they have to hide that part of themself.

Not compatible:

  • Gemini

What Gemini might think of as public knowledge, Scorpio might prefer to be kept silent. Disagreements on privacy can lead these two to clash in a romantic relationship.



Sagittarius can really be with anyone, Neptune jokes, they're always brining something different to the table.

  • Gemini

  • Aries

  • Aquarius

Sagittarius and Gemini are sister signs, they share a love for chaos.

As for Aries, "it can be fun," Neptune says, but it can also be a lot of fire energy in one relationship. Imagine a gender reveal in the forest that catches the whole thing on fire — too much of the same element, he muses.

Sagittarius and Aquarius also complement each other well. Aquarius asks the philosophical question, and Sagittarius goes for the large-scale action.

Not compatible:

  • Taurus

  • Cancer

  • Pisces

Taurus likes comfort, and Sagittarius thrives off leaving their comfort zone so it's a no-go, Neptune says.

Pisces and Sagittarius are both ruled by Jupiter, so people might think they are a match, but since Jupiter has no boundaries, it's double trouble. Sagittarius doesn't need someone to encourage a lack of boundaries.

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  • Virgo

  • Scorpio

  • Libra

Libra and Capricorn will never embarrass each other, Neptune says, they know the social rules. Both signs also know how to build something, and the value of time. Libra may seem indecisive to some, but Capricorn appreciates that they are taking their time. They make a high-powered and business-oriented team as well since Capricorns have the material know-how and Libras have the social know-how.

Not compatible:

  • Taurus

  • Aries

  • Gemini

A Taurus can find the beauty in everything and wants to. This is harder for a Capricorn who might be more comfortable poking holes in something and opting to complain instead.

Both Aries and Capricorn like to be in charge, which can lead to a power struggle in a relationship between the two.



  • Cancer

  • Libra

Aquarius and Cancer are both humanity oriented, and willing to sit in and talk to people about what they think about the world. Cancer can also bring Aquarius out of their shell.

Libra brings Aquarius out of their shell as well but in a different way. Whereas Cancer might demand more emotional presence, Libra is more likely to pull out a social side of Aquarius by say bringing them to a party and introducing them to everyone.

Not compatible:

  • Virgo

  • Leo

Aquarius and Leo can have some problems, Neptune says. Aquarians don't much like the spotlight, and don't want to be shown off, but Leos might try to push that.



  • Taurus

  • Gemini

  • Virgo (sometimes)

Taurus and Pisces have an easy connection. "It just works," Neptune says.

Pisces and Gemini are also a healthy pairing. Pisces often have trouble articulating themselves, Neptune explains, and Gemini energy is the energy of creating and learning new languages. So, Gemini can make Pisces feel less misunderstood, and help them to articulate themselves.

Not compatible:

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Pisces struggle to create healthy boundaries in a relationship, Neptune says, which can lead to problems down the road.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Learn your compatibility with other Zodiac signs based on your chart
