Meet Twenty under 40! honoree Caitie Scott: 'Organically be yourself.'

Caitie Scott, director of the Mount Union Fund at the University of Mount Union, is one of this year's Twenty under 40! honorees. The program recognizes outstanding young professionals in Stark County.
Caitie Scott, director of the Mount Union Fund at the University of Mount Union, is one of this year's Twenty under 40! honorees. The program recognizes outstanding young professionals in Stark County.

Editor's note: Twenty under 40! is a collaborative effort between the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce’s ystark! and the Canton Repository. It recognizes young professionals in Stark County. This year’s honorees are being featured each weekday leading up to the awards celebration, which will be June 25 at The Quarry Golf Club & Venue in Canton.

Caitie Scott serves as the director of the Mount Union Fund at the University of Mount Union in Alliance.

The Mount Union Fund provides financial support for scholarships and financial aid, faculty training, study abroad experiences, music, theater, athletics and other campus activities.

The 30-year-old's goal is "to continue to do meaningful work that opens the door to opportunity and limits barriers for students and underrepresented communities."

Twenty under 40! honorees: Meet Stark County's top young professionals as 2024 Twenty under 40! winners announced

Caitie Scott, director of the Mount Union Fund at the University of Mount Union, is one of this year's Twenty under 40! honorees. The program recognizes outstanding young professionals in Stark County.
Caitie Scott, director of the Mount Union Fund at the University of Mount Union, is one of this year's Twenty under 40! honorees. The program recognizes outstanding young professionals in Stark County.

Who nominated Caitie Scott for the Twenty under 40! honor?

Mount Union President Greg King and Chief Communications Officer Melissa Gardner nominated Scott for the Twenty under 40! honor.

"As a first-generation college student, Caitie quickly found a home for herself on Mount Union’s campus," they wrote when nominating her. "Not only did she settle in as a psychology major, but she also connected with her fellow students as a member of the Black Student Union."

She became passionate for issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; and after graduation began co-advising Sister Circle, a campus organization that serves the needs of young women of color on campus and in the Alliance community, they said.

She also has served on the institution’s Anti-Racism Task Force and DEIB Coalition of Liaisons in addition to participating in the Office of the Chaplain’s BRAVE program, and is a mentor for Mount Union’s Great Expectations Program.

She is active in the Mount Union community

  • Director of the Mount Union Fund

  • Implemented a Student Philanthropy Program through the Mount Union Fund Office in Advancement at the University of Mount Union.

  • Co-adviser of Sister Circle, a student organization dedicated to creating a sense of belonging for women of color at the University of Mount Union.

  • Elected president of the YWCA of Alliance this year.

  • Served as a member of the Women’s Division of the Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce.

  • Received the Black History Month Leadership and Service Award from the YWCA of Alliance last year.

Her greatest achievement is being a wife and mother

Scott said her greatest achievement is being a wife and mother. She and her husband, Mount Union alumnus Taurice Scott, became parents to son, Reese, last year.

She also is a first-generation college student.

She went to school in Stark County

  • St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Louisville

  • University of Mount Union with a bachelor's degree in psychology

  • Kent State University with a master's degree in higher education and student personnel

What advice would you give the younger generation when it comes to advancing in their careers or strengthening Stark County?

There’s no better skill than learning how to organically be yourself in a professional setting and build strong connections with those around you.

The meaningful relationships you make will serve as an anchor, despite the turns life may throw at you. Be present with oneself and realistically reflect on the growth and setbacks endured, as that’s the only way we can move forward to better ourselves and one’s community.

Caitie Scott
Caitie Scott

What motivates or inspires you to better the community?

My family. One’s community plays such a pivotal role in shaping one’s sense of identity, belonging and development through the resources one has access to, to being reflected by community leaders, and so much more!

What is the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

The best career advice I’ve ever been given was the following Maya Angelou quote, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I think folks lose sight of how powerful making someone feel seen, heard and validated can be. If it weren't for my mentors giving me space, to take up space, and unapologetically be me, who knows where I would be today.

What’s the most challenging part(s) of your job? How do you tackle these obstacles?

I would say the most challenging part of my job is knowing that you have a fundraising goal to meet, yet, whether someone chooses to give back or not is completely out of my control.

In tackling these barriers, I focus on what is in my control and assure that there is not a question regarding the important impact one makes when they choose to give back philanthropically. As well as eliminating any barriers regarding the ways one can give back.

List three to five things people might not know about you.

  • I am a hardcore ambivert.

  • My zodiac sign is a Libra.

  • I love to read and be outdoors in my free time.

  • First-generation college student – undergraduate and graduate

Why do you think Stark County is a great place to live and work?

The people and sense of community are the heartbeat of this county!

What are your top three favorite things to do in Stark County when not working?

  • Going to various Stark Parks for walks with friends and family.

  • Eating at Basil, Aladdin’s or Kabab & Curry.

  • Volunteering with the YWCA of Alliance.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Meet Twenty under 40! honoree Caitie Scott of Mount Union
