Mom Saves English Bull Terrier Who Jumped Off Roof and the Video Is Wild

English bull terrier lying in a patch of grass<p>Eudyptula via Shutterstock</p>
English bull terrier lying in a patch of grass

Eudyptula via Shutterstock

As pet owners, we dote on our animals, making sure they get the food and exercise they need to live healthily and staying on top of their veterinary care. But the vast majority of us won't (at least, I hope) find ourselves in a situation where we only have a split second to potentially save our pet's life.

Kerrie Jones, a mother from Berkshire, England, didn't expect to become a pet superhero when she and her two daughters stepped out of the house one faithful summer morning. But when the family's English bull terrier suddenly jumped from the family's roof, it was Kerrie's lightning-fast instincts that saved the day!

Wow! Talk about a supermom! According to @cbsnews, the Jones' English bull terrier Ozzy climbed out of a second-story bedroom window and attempted to jump down to his family. Had her younger daughter not seen the dog and pointed him out in time, he might have hit the ground and been seriously injured, if not killed. Instead, Kerrie turned around and caught Ozzy in her arms in the nick of time.

Related: Bull Terrier Gets an Adorable Case of Zoomies After Getting in His Splash Pool

The younger daughter deserves a major shout-out in this story, too. Not only did she warn her mom that Ozzy was about to jump, but she immediately sprang into action, holding on to the bull terrier and ordering her sister to call for help when Kerrie hit the ground catching Ozzy. Thankfully, CBS News confirmed that Kerrie only had some bruising from the incident, and thanks to the actions of these two heroic ladies, Ozzy walked away completely unscathed!

"Being a Mom Is the Hardest Job"

TikTok users had overwhelming praise for Kerrie and her proactive young daughter, but they expressed disappointment at how slowly the other family members reacted, especially after Kerrie was apparently injured. Everyone wanted to know if the mom was OK!

"Wow, that little girl will be a great leader. Everyone else was in shock, clueless, or lost. Ashamed of Mr. Dad though for not checking up on his wife," said @e.molinaramirez.

"Poor mom, no one checked on her," @kristinacolosimo5 remarked.

"I swear, being a mom is the hardest job in the world," @kelsallsmiles sympathized.

Poor mom! Ain't that always how it goes. We're just relieved to learn that both she and her overly ambitious pup were all right in the end!

Ultra-Energetic Bull Terriers

Bull terriers are beloved for being loyal, tough, but affectionate family dogs. However, as noted by the American Kennel Club, bull terriers are extra-energetic with a stubborn, mischievous streak, and with their extremely muscular bodies, they can be veritable cannonballs of naughtiness - a cannonball that Kerrie had to catch from the second floor!

Though no one could have predicted this accident would happen, this video serves as a good reminder to be careful about leaving second-story windows wide open around energetic dogs, even big dogs. As sweet as our pups are, they clearly don't always have the best judgment. Thank goodness this amazing pet parent was in the right place at the right time to save the day!

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