What Moms *Really* Want for Mother’s Day

portrait of mother with daughter, close up
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s DayUwe Krejci - Getty Images

Yes, it’s lovely to open a thoughtful present on Mother’s Day, and a handwritten card always hits the spot. But if you ask us, the ultimate gift is not having to plan a thing or fight everyone’s phones for attention. Agree? Then share these wishes from Oprah Daily staffers and contributors with your crew as a not-so-subtle hint.

Your presence is my present

“I want my kids to go to an art museum with me. They don’t have to like it—and let’s face it, they probably won’t—but hiding their distaste is part of my present.” —Nicole C. Kear

“All I want for Mother’s Day is time with my family. My three girls will be home, and I would love a walk on the beach with everyone. It would be great if everyone left their phones at home, too.” —Rae Ann Herman

“This year, I’m picking up my daughter from college on Mother’s Day. Her older brother is driving up with me, and we’re spending the night in her college town. Sounds corny, but I 'm excited to have the time with these two almost-grown kids, and that’s all I need.” —Amy Conway

“You know how parents give their kids ‘yes days’ and do everything they want? This concept is wasted on children. I want a ‘yes day’ that involves a botanical garden or a bike ride. But first, I want to lie in bed texting with my sisters and girlfriends, then emerge to my teenage sons telling me, ‘We walked the dog. Here’s a hot cup of coffee, the paper, and us, untethered from the Xbox.’” —Jennie Tung

Please don’t make me think

“I want a day where I do zero planning—a day where not only do I not make breakfast, but I don't even think, What is for breakfast? What is for lunch? What is for dinner? What are we doing today, and did I forget to sign up for it? I don’t care if we eat three meals, one meal, no meal, if we go to a restaurant, have a picnic in the park, eat a baguette on the couch (as long as I don’t have to clean up the crumbs). I don’t care what we do as long as there’s some fresh air involved. I just don’t want to have to think about it. If my Mother’s Day wish had a theme song, it would be ‘Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing is gonna be all right.’” —Eleni N. Gage

“What I really want is a photo book of our family trip to Spain last year. I want to be able to look back at our memories, but I’m always too busy, too tired, etc., to get it done. We take so many beautiful pictures, but they are all living in our phones. So I’m really hoping my husband can put together an album that will kick off a ritual for us.” —Tina Chadha

“I would like my husband to make a meal or arrange a meal at a restaurant for our family. I don’t want to arrange any of it—I want to be surprised by something new. Mostly, I would like to have the kind of loose conversation that flows over a good meal, with no one hurrying to get anywhere. Short of this, I would like tulips.” —Louisa Kamps

Kids? What kids?

“I’d love to do something by myself for Mother’s Day! It can be a massage, a glass of wine with a book, or a walk in the park. Just me.” —Abigail Greene

“For many years, my answer to this question was sleep. Just let me sleep. Last year, my kids made a valiant effort, but it turns out I can’t actually sleep in like I used to, so I lay in bed hungry, wondering what they were doing. Forget that. Instead, my challenge for them this year is: At some point, I am going to get on the phone with my mom, my sister, and a mom-friend or two, and you cannot interrupt me.” —Kate Sandoval Box

“I hope this doesn’t sound heartless, but I think escape from the family makes a great Mother’s Day. At its simplest, it could be a day at a spa with my best girlfriends. Dream indulgence would be an overnight escape with a couple friends the night before Mother’s Day with the next day spent in total leisure. Let’s face it, we moms love our families, but we could also use a break.” —Catherine Hong

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