How much do Michigan K-12 public school superintendents earn? Search here for salaries

Michigan's public school superintendents usually earn the most of any school district employee.

The reason why is a combination of many different forces: Superintendents take on a lot of responsibility leading entire districts, hiring someone qualified to lead can require a competitive salary, and keeping them can require pay bumps or performance bonuses.

The Detroit Free Press compiled school superintendent salary data that's publicly available on individual district budget transparency pages. Districts and charter schools are required by state law to report the salary information of every employee paid over $100,000. The data below includes the 2023 district-reported salary and the cost of retirement benefits (which districts are required to pay to Michigan's school pension system). Keep in mind that in addition to salaries, some superintendents are paid extra merit pay, bonuses and other incentives.

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Contact Lily Altavena:

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Search for Michigan school district superintendent salaries
