Today in history: O.J. Simpson tried on the bloody gloves on June 15th, 1995

A Close Look At The Bloody Glove That Altered The O.J Simpson Trial
A Close Look At The Bloody Glove That Altered The O.J Simpson Trial

'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit,' O.J. Simpson's lawyer Johnnie Cochran quipped on June 15th, 1995.

Twenty years ago today, the infamous bloody glove incident took place and was forever entrenched in pop culture.

A dark leather glove, similar to one that Simpson was photographed wearing in the past, was found at his Brentwood estate. It was soaked in blood and had a piece of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson's hair on it.

A year and two days after Nicole Simpson Brown and her friend Ron Goldman were found dead near her condo, the charismatic NFL running back tried on the glove in the courtroom at the insistence of prosecutor Chris Darden. "I looked at his hands and I looked at the gloves and I thought they would fit," He told the Associated Press.

The gloves wouldn't budge beyond his knuckles. Simpson held his hands up to the jury and said '"they're too small."

So much was resting on that piece of evidence that all looked like it was lost for the prosecution, despite many months of testimonies ahead.

It was argued that the bloody glove had been frozen and thawed multiple times, which would have changed the fit. There were also claims that Simpson had arthritis and had not been taking his prescriptions, which would have led to swelling, and that the latex gloves he wore underneath made his hands larger.

Simpson was found not guilty of the murders on October 3rd, 1995.
