Bernalillo County Commission fills vacancies in air quality, water quality boards

Sep. 10—The Bernalillo County Commission appointed Thomas De Pree to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board Tuesday with a 3-1 vote, filling a vacant seat on the seven-member board.

The Air Quality Control Board is a joint city-county entity that enforces air pollution regulations. The new appointee has a background in civil, construction and environmental engineering, according to his résumé. De Pree is a research assistant professor at the University of New Mexico.

Commissioner Walt Benson, the only dissenting vote, said he is not opposed to De Pree specifically, but believes that the air quality board members have backgrounds that are too similar.

County appointed board member Johnnye Lewis resigned from the board in February, and the new county appointee will finish out Lewis' three-year term, which ends next June. Lewis submitted her resignation to the board in December.

After that term is complete, De Pree will be eligible to seek a full term on the air quality board.

Four members of the board are appointed by Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, who recently appointed Jane Cudney-Black, an environmental consultant, to fill a vacancy. The Albuquerque City Council approved that appointment last week.

The term of another city-appointed member, Elis Eberlein, expired in April, but he is able to continue serving at will. The mayor's office is searching for someone who could fill Eberlein's seat and plans to submit a nomination to the City Council in October, said city spokeswoman Staci Drangmeister.

Water protection board vacancy filled

The County Commission also reappointed two members of the nine-member Water Protection Advisory Board, another joint city-county entity. The board also includes members appointed by the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority.

The board advises on ground and surface water protection and oversees the Water Quality Protection Policy and Action Plan. The water authority appoints two members, the mayor appoints three and the County Commission appoints three. One member has to be jointly appointed by the Commission, the mayor and the City Council.

The water board members serve three-year terms with a two-term limit. Bart Faris and Jonathan Gonzales' first terms expired Aug. 16. The third at-large county seat is held by Steve Glass, and Chris Welch holds the joint city and county appointment.

The Commission reappointed Faris and Gonzales in a 3-1 vote.
