The Biggest Thing We Can Do To Win The 2020 Election According to Joy Reid

Joy Reid tells us the best thing we can do as individuals to achieve victory in November.

Video Transcript

MONET X CHANGE: What do you think is the biggest thing that we can do as a community to help ensure victory in November?

JOY REID: Yes. So every senior citizen in your life, get them the application to vote by mail. Most seniors over 60 can vote without any excuse by mail. I got them for my godmother and her husband in New York. Sent those off to her.

You don't even need a stamp usually to mail them in, but send them a stamp anyway, just in case to make sure that they get in. So send it. Make it real easy for your seniors let. Everyone who can vote by mail, please vote by mail. So number one, register. Register.

Make sure that everyone you know is registered. I threaten my kids. I have three kids. They all vote. They're all over 18. And phone bills-- there will be no phone. There will be no money in the account. There will be no--

MONET X CHANGE: That's how you get them, Joy. No phone, no Instagram, no Facebook until you vote.

JOY REID: Nothing. Cut you off your TikToks. No more TikTok if you don't-- you have to vote. And I want a picture. I don't only just vote. If you go and look on my Instagram, if you scroll through, you'll see pictures of my kids on election day with the little "I voted" sticker on because I want receipts.


JOY REID: I want proof. [LAUGHING]


JOY REID: Don't just tell me that you voted. I need to see that sticker so I know you did it. So I think if you could just, you know, get everyone you can to vote. Because here's the thing. There is a foreign country that does still want to mess up our election. Russia has not stopped.


JOY REID: It is real. I just interviewed Malcolm Nance. I do a podcast called "What To Reid" where I interview authors. I just interviewed Malcolm Nance today. And he was talking about the fact that Russia is still trying to mess up our election.

And, you know, Monet, this is such an important thing for our community. They really targeted Black people. Black voters [INAUDIBLE] the main targets the last time. So please, please, please, we have to vote in huge numbers. The election cannot be close.

When it's close, they can steal it. If it's not close, they cannot. So let's not make it close. Let's vote. Please.
