Central California fishing report: Delta stripers are on the move. Eastman bass a good bet and Don Pedro trout and bass hitting

A man fishes the lower Kings River at Winton Park Sunday, May 13, 2018 near Piedra, east of Fresno.
A man fishes the lower Kings River at Winton Park Sunday, May 13, 2018 near Piedra, east of Fresno.

Compiled by California Outdoors Hall of Fame member Dave Hurley and edited by Roger George, who guides in the greater Fresno area and holds the striper record at Millerton Lake.

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Best bets

Delta stripers on the move, Jeff Soo Hoo said. Eastman bass a good bet, Michael Crayne reported. Don Pedro trout and bass hitting, Monte Smith said. Pine Flat king salmon hungry, Brian Klassen reported. Shaver trout picking up the slack, Dick Nichols said. Isabella crappie and bass active, Copes Tackle reported. Wishon trout plants ramps up bite, Kelly Brewer said.

Rnkings key below: 4: Fish are jumping in the boat. 3: Good fishing. 2: Decent fishing. 1: Poor fishing. 0: Don’t bother

Unless noted, area code is 559

Valley/Westside waterways

Striper 2 Catfish 3

Omega Nguyen of Mega Bait and Tackle in Lathrop reported shaker stripers are the norm in the California Aqueduct with fresh shad, anchovies, or chicken liver. The flows are very fast due to increase water exports out of the south Delta into San Luis Reservoir. Striperz Gone Wild’ Fall Classic Derby is 5 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 12 at Volta Road and the aqueduct in the Los Banos area in October.

In the southern section of the aqueduct, Cope’s Rod and Tackle in Bakersfield reported cut anchovies or sardines are working for striped bass around the Golf course or Tupman, but anglers had to sort through a lot of undersized fish to land a couple of keepers. Larger linesides are taken by working small swimbaits or tube jigs along the bottom. Poppers, Whopper Ploppers, or walking baits at sunrise are best for largemouth bass, and 6-inch plastics worms in green pumpkin or shad colors are best the remainder of the day.

Information: https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/What-We-Do/Recreation/Files/230424_SWP-Fishing-Guildines-Locations_Online_FINAL.pdf

Call: Valley Rod & Gun, Clovis 292-3474; Cope’s Tackle and Rod, Bakersfield (661) 679-6351; Bob’s Bait Bucket, Bakersfield (661) 833-8657

Eastman Lake/Hensley Lake

Bass 3 Trout 2 Bluegill 2 Catfish 2 Crappie 2

Michael Crayne of Valley Rod and Gun in Clovis reported the larger fish at Eastman have been harder to find, but the overall bite is consistent with big plastic worms, Keitech swimbaits, or large profile jigs with the best action early in the morning or at night. Numbers of small fish are taken during the day, but the best grade is found in deep water. has been slowing down for quality bass, but Eastman to be the top lake for largemouth bass with the best action in the mornings and evenings for the largest grade of fish during the early morning or late afternoon hours. Big plastic worms dragged along the bottom. Not much change at Hensley with catfish or carp taking center stage. The carp are thick in the shallows, and chicken liver or dip bait continue to be best for whiskerfish, particularly at night. Both lakes are releasing water, and Eastman held at 534.38 feet in elevation and 48% of capacity with Hensley receding 2½ feet to 476.99 feet in elevation and 21%. At Eastman, no tournaments are scheduled in September with only one in October, the Sierra Bass Club on Oct. 19. At Hensley, the next scheduled tournament is in mid-November.

Call: Eastman Lake 689-3255; Valley Rod & Gun, Clovis 292-3474; 559 Fresno Bait and Tackle 515-6273. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hensley Lake Hidden Dam 673-5151.

Lake Don Pedro

Bass 3 Trout 3 Kokanee 1 King salmon 2 Crappie 2

Trout fishing has been outstanding with Monte Smith of Gold Country Sport Fishing reporting solid action for rainbows to 4½ pounds running shad-patterned spoons at depths from 60 to 90 feet anywhere around the bait balls.

“We are finding the schools with Live Scope, and we are watching the fish come up to our lures. The trout are ranging from 2 to 4 pounds, and they are fighting hard. The lake is loaded with shad, and small king salmon in the 10- to 12-inch range, spotted bass, and the trout are all working the shad schools,” Smith said. It is important to release the small kings to allow them to grow to maximum size. We hit a massive school of fish working a bait ball, and we pulled up three species of bass: spotted, smallmouth, and largemouth. When it was cloudy earlier in the week, the fish were higher in the water column from 50 to 75 feet. Wherever the grebes are, there will be shad schools.”

Kyle Wise of Head Hunter Guide Service has also been on Pedro, and he said, “It’s wide open with spoons from 60 to 90 feet.” For bass, Ryan Denner of Head Hunter Guide Service reported an improved bass bite with the Hover Stalling Technique for suspended fish with umbrella rigs or jigs. He added, “The topwater bite is starting to perk up, and limits in the 10-pound range are the norm.” There are five bass tournaments scheduled through the end of October including a huge fundraising tournament ‘Live Like Mason’ Memorial for the family of Mason Ferrulli to be held at Fleming Meadows on Oct. 26th with a $200 entry fee. Launch updates are posted at www.donpedrolake.com.

Call: Monte Smith, Gold Country Sport Fishing (209) 581-4734; Central Valley Bait and Tackle (209) 312-9417.

McClure Reservoir

Bass 2 Trout 2 King salmon 0 Kokanee 0 Crappie 2 Catfish 2

Denner reported McClure is fishing like Don Pedro. Small fish can be found along ledges or steep bluff walls with tubes, plastics on the drop-shot, or Senkos. There is a small window for topwater in the early mornings or evenings. There are no bass tournaments scheduled in September or October. The lake dropped 2½ feet to 815.39 feet in elevation and 48% of capacity. There are no bass tournaments scheduled in September or October, but there are six club tournaments in November. The Merced River continues to drop, and it is 871 cfs at Merced Falls downstream of Lake McSwain. The Reel Deal Market and Barrett’s Cove Marina are open only on weekends and holidays through October.

Call: Central Valley Bait and Tackle (209) 312-9417.

Lake McSwain

Trout 2

The lake will be planted prior to this weekend’s Merced Irrigation District’s Lake McSwain Fall Trout Derby on Oct. 5/6. Registration is through the Fishdonkey app available at https://www.fishdonkey.com/.

Most bank anglers are struggling, but a few continue to score up to limits with garlic-scented Power Bait, Kastmasters, or nightcrawlers around the normal locations of the Brush Pile, Handicapped Docks, or the peninsula around the Marina. The coming plants will improve the troll bite. The McSwain Marina is open on only weekends or holidays through October. The lake dropped to 88% of capacity.

Call: Angler’s Edge Market (209) 226-4416; McSwain Marina (209) 378-2534.

Lake Isabella/Bakersfield area

Bass 3 Trout 3 Crappie 2 Catfish 3 Bluegill 3

The lake dropped 1½ feet to 2559.75 feet in elevation and 29% of capacity with water releases at First Point dropping to 565 cfs.

“There is a ton of crappie scattered all over the lake near structure, and they’re stacked at Red’s Marina. Anglers fishing offshore have done well with minijigs, Keitech swimbaits, or live shiners,” Cope’s said. “The bass bite is solid here for fish in the 1- to 2-lb. range with an occasional better grade in the mix as they are starting to move out to deeper water. Buzzbaits, crankbaits, plastics on a Texas-rig or jigs are working, and the bite has been better early in the morning before fading until late afternoon. Trout fishing remains decent at the North Fork and around the dam with fish reported over 3 pounds coming from the banks on Kastmasters, Thomas Bouyants, trout jigs and floating baits. Trollers are scoring near the dam with Needlefish, Tasmanian Devils or Flicker Shad on lead core line. Catfish in good numbers have been showing with frozen shad, Triple S Dip Bait, live shiners, or nightcrawlers.

Call: Cope’s Tackle and Rod (661) 679-6351; Bob’s Bait Bucket, Bakersfield (661) 833-8657; North Fork Marina (760) 376-1812; Golden Trout Pack Station (559) 542-2816.

Lake Kaweah

Bass 3 Crappie 2 Trout 0 Catfish 3

The lake dropped nearly a foot to 593.62 feet in elevation and 9% of capacity. Cope’s reported good spotted bass action with plastics in dark green, brown, and brown with blue highlights on a drop-shot or Ned-rig along with spider jigs at depths from 15 to 25 feet. . Crappie went after small live minnows and small swimbaits, and catfish anglers used dip bait, chicken liver, and garlic scented nightcrawlers.

Millerton Lake/San Joaquin River

Bass 2 Striped bass 1 Shad 1 Bluegill 3 Crappie 2

Crayne reported continued slow bass fishing with numbers of small spotted bass available on finesse techniques. There is a tournament this coming weekend, and anglers have been pre-fishing in preparation for the event. The lake dropped over a foot to 511.05 feet in elevation and 48% of capacity. Sycamore Island is open once daily from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The flows in the San Joaquin River at Friant held at 433 cfs.

Call: Valley Rod & Gun 292-3474; 559 Fresno Bait and Tackle 515-6273.

New Melones Reservoir/Tulloch

Bass 2 Crappie 2 Catfish 3 Trout 2 Kokanee

John Liechty of Xperience Bass Fishing Guide Service reported many anglers are finding tough action, but he is looking forward to the fall since the lake is ‘absolutely’ loaded with shad in the 1½- to 2-inch range. He said, “Everything has been coming on plastics on a drop-shot rig right under the boat. It’s video game fishing as we are finding the fish and just working the worm in a specific way. The fish have been reluctant to bite so I hold it in front of them before putting the reel into free spool to let the bait fall to the bottom. I bring it up six inches off the bottom at around 30 feet in depth, and they are on it. There was so much flooded grass with the high water this year, the shad spawn was incredible. All the fish are spitting up shad, and the surface around the boat is filled with floating shad.” Kyle Wise of Head Hunter Guide Service has been focusing upon rainbow trout or catfish as kokanee are all but finished for the year, and rainbows are found trolling shad-patterned spoons through the bait bails. Catfishing remains excellent in the shallows around inlets. Club tournaments dominate the lake in the fall months with, 4 in October, and 3 scheduled in November. The lake is releasing water, and it dropped close to a foot at 1,035.96 feet in elevation and 76% of capacity.

Call: John Liechty, Xperience Fishing Guide Service (209) 743-9932; Kyle Wise, Headhunter Guide Service (209) 531-3966; Alex Niapas, Catching California Guide Service (209) 728-4225; Monte Smith (209) 581-4734.

Pine Flat Reservoir/Kings River

Bass 2 Trout 2 Kokanee 0 King salmon 3 Catfish 2 Crappie 2

King salmon remain a viable option, and Brian Klassen of Reedley, Jim Tartaglia, of Reedley and Terry Walton of Piedra were out searching for kings this week. Klassen reported, “We fished main lake across from Zebe Creek at depths from 55 to 80 feet with Brad’s Cut Plugs in Black Magic or silver, black Spin Fish 2½, or frozen shad on a harness rig behind a dodger. We loaded the cut plugs and the Spin Fish with tuna in oil with bloody tuna scent, and it was nonstop action from 6:30 to 9:30 am before the bite just died. We ended up with 3 rainbows to 17.5 inches and 7 kings to 20½ inches. I went with my brother Evan and friend Christian Garza on Friday, and we followed a hot tip to the dam that never panned out. The shad had moved out. “ For bass, Michael Crayne reported the best quality is coming on jigs or spoons in deep water around 30 feet with smaller fish found in the shallows. In the lower Kings, the last plant was the week of the 22nd, and the remaining planted rainbows are holding in the deep pools as the flows have dropped to 259 cfs. Power Bait, salmon eggs, nightcrawlers, spinners, or spoons are pulling out the planters. The lake dropped over a foot to 823.22 feet in elevation and 39% of capacity. No club tournaments are scheduled in October with only two scheduled in November.

Call: Valley Rod & Gun 292-3474; 559 Fresno Bait and Tackle 515-6273.

San Luis Reservoir and O’Neill Forebay

Striper 2 Catfish 2 Bass 2 Crappie 2

Mickey Clements of Coyote Bait and Tackle in Morgan Hill reported an improved trolling bite as the lake continues to rise with heavy pumping from the south Delta.

Roger George of Roger George Guide Service said that they started releasing water a couple days ago and it’s changing the bite. “ between the heat and the suddenly falling water the fish are doing more suspending than usual. We worked hard finding active fish in the main lake and it paid off with a 38-inch, 20½ pounder and a 42 inch, 29 pounder, both released, that we got working the 40-50 foot depth range. Shad colored lures are working in the algae water if you can find feeding fish.” George said.

In the O’Neill Forebay, Clements reported the grass is starting to clear out, and flukes or ripbaits are effective for stripers from undersized at 17 inches to legal 20 inches in the open water areas. There haven’t been any huge boils, but the stripers are feeding on bait fish throughout the impoundment. The main lake continues to rise with increased pumping out of the south Delta, and it is stable at 50% while the forebay has dropped slightly to 85% of capacity. To check the real time wind conditions on the lake - use windfinder.com/forecast/san_luis_reservoir.

Call: Coyote Bait and Tackle (408) 463-0711, Roger George, rogergeorgeguideservice.com (559) 905-2954

High Sierra

Bass Lake

Bass 2 Trout 2 Kokanee 0

Crayne reported the fall transition is starting here as the fish will become more active as the water cools. Fewer anglers are targeting the lake, but there are still holdover rainbow trout to be found for trollers.

A live webcam is available at https://www.basslakeca.com/bass-lake-webcam-1.

Call: Mike Beighey, Bass Lake Fishing 676-8133.

Edison/Florence/Mammoth Pool

Edison remains the best of the Kaiser Pass lakes for both bank anglers and trollers, but the action remains limited with fewer anglers heading up Kaiser Pass. The high country continue to release water with Edison to 54% of capacity, Florence at 43% of capacity, and Mammoth Pool to 14% of capacity. Road conditions are available at the High Sierra Ranger Station – 855-5355 or https://www.fs.usda.gov/sierra. Fire danger is extreme in the high country.

Road conditions 297-0706.

Call: Vermilion Valley Resort at Edison Lake 259-4000.

Shaver Lake/Huntington Lake

Trout 3 Kokanee 1

Shaver Lake guide emeritus, Dick Nichols of Dick’s Fishing Charters said, “Shaver continues to slowly drop in the water column, and the kokanee are pretty much gone, as there have been no sign of the second- year kokanee. The Department of Fish and Wildlife did not plant kokanee at Shaver in 2023, instead relying on a natural spawn to populate the lake in 2025. The last time the department didn’t plant Shaver, the previous natural spawn was outstanding, and by the third year after the spawn, some of the largest kokanee to 22 inches were present. However, I’m not seeing those signs this year as I don’t recall catching a 2nd-year kokanee this year. However, we did catch a few mature 3rd year kokanee with scales still on toward September 1st, and there could be some 4th year fish. The good news is there is a pretty good trout bite in Stevenson Bay and Tunnel Creek. Black Rock, the Boy Scout Cove, the Fisherman’s Club, the Island, and Dorabela Cove areas, there are also a few golden trout to 16 inches from a plant years ago. Most of the trout are yearlings and holdover from the department’s normal plants this year. Dicks Trout Busters or Koke Busters in Texas Tea, orange and orange and green with a tip of crawler behind weighted Mountain Flashers at a 100-foot set back at depths from 20 to 30 feet should provide fish. Contact with marinas to ascertain their closing dates is recommended.”

At Huntington, the kokanee continue to move into spawning mode, heading for Rancheria Creek and other inlets. Shaver dropped to 60% of capacity with Huntington dropping from 77 to 70%.Call: Todd Wittwer, Kokanee.net Guide Service 288-8100; Tom Oliveira, Tom Oliveira Fishing 802-8072.


Trout 3

Kelly Brewer of the Wishon RV Park and Store reported a trout plant at Wishon this past week has keep the lake humming with action for trollers with Rapalas, spoons, Wedding Rings tipped with a piece of nightcrawler, or blade/’crawler combinations at 3 to 4 colors of lead core line while banks fishing is good with nightcrawlers, Power Bait or corn around the dam. Courtright is being drained to allow work on Helms Powerhouse Intake and discharge gates. The gate Courtright Way just past the turnoff for McKinley Grove Road was closed on Oct. 1st, and it will remain closed closed until the regularly scheduled reopening on Memorial Day 2025 Weekend, depending upon weather. The Wishon RV Park and Store will close for the season on Monday, Oct. 7.

Road conditions: Sierra National Forest Ranger Station 297-0706.

Call: Wishon RV Park 865-5361


Half Moon Bay

Rockfish 4 Striper 2 Halibut 2 White seabass 1 Sand dabs 3 Surf perch 3

The weather the past several days kept boaters from heading offshore for bluefin tuna, but the action was spectacular before the wind showed up with 59 bluefin reported out of Half Moon Bay on a single day. The reports of action have brought all sort of boats out into the waters from 25 to 45 miles offshore, and even though bluefin are extremely boat shy, there have been so many boats crammed into one spot that gear is getting run over. The weather looks better for the next few days, and the boats will be back out. With the red tide along the Marin coast, the boats out of the Bay Area ports have been running south for coastal rockfish. Rockfishing is now greater than 50 fathoms for the month of October, and only a few Half Moon Bay boats will be heading out to the deep.

After Oct. 31, the rockfish season transitions once again to water less than 20 fathoms before finishing off the season during the month of December over 50 fathoms.

Dungeness crab season opens on Nov. 2, and the New Captain Pete is gearing up for Dungeness crab/rockfish combination trips in deep water.

Call: Captain Melynda Dodds, New Captain Pete (512) 825- 8225; Captain Chris Chang, Ankeny Street (650) 279-8819; Captain Bill Smith, Riptide (650) 728-8433; Half Moon Bay Sport Fishing, Queen of Hearts (510) 581-2628.

Monterey/Santa Cruz

Rockfish 3 Halibut 3 Striper 3 Bluefin 3 White seabass 1 Sand dabs 3 Surf perch

Allen Bushnell of Santa Cruz Kayak Fishing and Surf Casting Guide Service reported, “A number of bluefin tuna were caught near the Monterey Bay weather buoy late in the week. Bluefin tuna hunters are heading south as well to explore the classic tuna areas near the Davidson Seamount and the 451 buoy. A few fish have been reported from that area and there are significant temperature breaks holding for now. Todd Fraser from Bayside Marine watches any tuna action carefully.

He reported on Wednesday, “There were more blue fin caught today out of Santa Cruz. The anglers were fishing from the Weather Buoy area and trolling towards Half Moon Bay. There are schools of blue fin about 30 miles out from here to Half Moon Bay. The blue fin that were landed today were in the 100-170 pound range. Bring the right equipment or you may fail.”

Nearshore waters are providing plentiful halibut for Moss anglers. The canyon edges from 40 to 80 feet of water seem to be the best bet this week. Halibut fishing is still going good near New Brighton State Beach in Aptos. Most anglers are finding success using white flukes or swimbaits, catching mostly legal sized flatties in 15-40 feet of water in that area. Larger halibut still range in the 40- to 70-foot depths up past Santa Cruz, West Cliff and the north coast right now. Lower winds and gentle swells this week spelled easy fishing for most surfcasters. Stripers remain in the area feasting on huge anchovy schools.

If you really want to catch a striped bass from the beach, now is a very good time to make a concerted try.

It takes commitment and sometimes a little luck. Look for birds working bait near the surf line. That’s probably the best indicator of striped bass in the vicinity. Also, be ready to move, either walking up or down the beach, or maybe even trying a completely different spot if not getting bit.

Call: Chris’ Landing (831) 375-5951; Allen Bushnell, Santa Cruz Kayak and Surf Casting (831) 251-9732.

Golden Gate/San Francisco Bay

Halibut 4 Striper 3 Rockfish 3 Leopard shark 3 Sturgeon 0 Crab 0

The good news is the number of striped bass inside of San Francisco Bay, and party boats are loading up with linesides within a short window. Captain Ron Koyasako of Nautilus Excursions out of San Francisco was on the striper grounds near Angel Island at 6:15 am on Sunday morning, and they were finished with limits by 6:40 am before working the sand for a handful of halibut. Halibut continue to come outside the Golden Gate on the North Bar or inside the bay around Southampton Shoals. Shark fishing remains outstanding with plenty of leopards to go around for those willing to sit on anchor for them. Deep water rockfishing started on Tuesday, Oct. 1, and a few boats will be heading for Rittenburg Bank, a 50-mile run from the Berkeley Marina. Prior to Tuesday’s deepwater opener, a red tide shut down the Marin coast for rockfish north of Muir Beach, and the party boats turned left at the Golden Gate to head down the San Mateo coastline for cleaner water. Captain James Smith of California Dawn Sport Fishing reported both boats headed down to the ‘southern’ rockfish grounds on Sunday for a combined 36 limits of rockfish including 3 cabezon to 10 pounds, 65 lingcod to 16 pounds, and 3 halibut to 20 pounds. The California Dawn 2 and Western Outdoor News are hosting a deep-water rockfish charter on Wednesday, Oct. 9 with plans to head out to Rittenburg Bank.

Call: Captain Ron Koyasako, Nautilus Excursions (916) 704-4169; Captain Jerad Davis, Salty Lady (415) 760-9362; Captain Steve Mitchell, Hook’d Up Sport Fishing (707) 655-6736; Happy Hooker (510) 223-5388.

San Luis Obispo

Rockfish 3 Surf perch 3

The San Luis Obispo County party boats posted some impressive rockfish scores over the weekend. On Sunday, the Endeavor out of Morro Bay Landing put their 19 passengers onto limits with 160 assorted rockfish, 12 vermilion, 8 copper, and 10 Boccaccio. Out of Virg’s Landing, the Fiesta and Rita G were out on Saturday with a combined 51 anglers for limits consisting of 478 assorted, 32v vermilion, a lingcod, and a sheephead.

Call: Virg’s Landing (800) 762-5263; Patriot Sport Fishing (805) 595-4100; Morro Bay Landing.



Bass 2 Striper 3 Sturgeon 3 Catfish 2 Bluegill 3

Striped bass continue to happen on both the Sacramento and San Joaquin sides of the Delta, and Jeff Soo Hoo of Soo Hoo Sport Fishing out of Lauritzen’s Yacht Harbor in Oakley reported great action on the San Joaquin drifting live mudsuckers for quality linesides. The stripers are schooled up enough that live bite is now an option. With schools of stripers still in San Francisco Bay and the amount of shad in the Delta, this fall has the possibility to be outstanding for striped bass. Largemouth bass action has been tough for some while others are finding solid fishing. Fresno-native Vince Borges of Vince Borges Outdoors reported finding better fish on paddletail swimbaits in shad patterns since ‘there are shad everywhere.’ Punching, frogs, or chatterbaits are also working, but the best fish are coming on the swimbaits.

He added, “The bite is kind of tough, but we saw plenty of good fish, and my partner, Chad Frie, landed one at 7.70 pounds. The stripers are chasing bait in the south Delta, and they are busting bait on surface with the birds working. You can pick out around 10 fish before they scatter and pop up again further up or down stream. The water temperature is still warm at 76 degrees in the south Delta.” The 76th Annual Rio Vista Bass Derby and Festival arrives on Oct. 11-13.

Information https://bassfestival.com/. White sturgeon opens for catch-and-release on Oct. 1, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has launched the Conserve the Sturg campaign at: https://wildlife.ca.gov/.../cdfw-kicks-off-white-sturgeon... Omega Nguyen of Mega Bait and Tackle in Lathrop reported the current in the south San Joaquin has slowed down, and anglers can stay down with 2 to 3 ounces of lead. He said, “The striped bass bite is improving with bait, but the best action has been by drifting live mudsuckers in the Old River up towards Stockton.”

The new white sturgeon sport fishing regulations specify two seasons to protect spawning and migrating fish and to reduce stress during warmer times of the year:

Call: Randy Pringle (209) 543-6260; Captain Steve Mitchell, Hook’d Up Sport Fishing (707) 655-6736; Vince Borges, Vince Borges Outdoors (209) 918-0828. Soo Hoo Sport Fishing (925) 899-4045.


Oct. 11-13

76th Annual Rio Vista Bass Derby and Festival – information: https://bassfestival.com/.

Oct. 12

Fishapalooza at Cope’s Tackle and Rod Shop in Bakersfield from 10 am to 4 pm. Meet factory representatives from all your favorite brands and save on tackle during our biggest sale of the year.

Nov. 2

The Nor-Cal Guides and Sportsmen’s Association (NCGASA) annual dinner and fundraiser. It will feature over 100 guns, 50-plus guided trips, and 10-plus lifetime fishing and hunting licenses. The highlight of an already crowded evening is the ‘Winner Takes All Package’ where only 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets for the dinner are $80 juniors, $120 adults, and $225 for adults, and they are available at https://ncgasa.org/shop/.

Nov. 9

Kokanee Power’s 14th Annual Dinner and Awards –5:00 p.m. – Evelyn-Bishop Hall in Ione – information: https://www.kokaneepower.org/.

Tournament results

Sept. 21-22

1st –Danny Lopez/Athan Andronico – 22.18 pounds; 2nd – Nathon and Richard Jones – 21.19 pounds (Big Fish- Richard Jones – 5.20); 3rd –Randy Rowe/Jamal Lane – 20.37.

Sept. 27-28

Delta– Cen Cal Elite Bass Tournaments Tournament of Champions (10-fish Weigh In)

1st – Bill Kunz/Cory Kerber – 33.81pounds (Big Fish – 7.82); 2nd – Dave Simpson/Randy Burger – 30.29; 3rd- Eddie Hinojosa/Danny Woods – 29.17.

Upcoming tournaments (dates and locations subject to change)

Oct. 5-6

New Melones – Yak ‘A Bass

Don Pedro – Kings River Bass Club

McSwain – Merced Irrigation District Fall Trout Derby

Millerton – California Bass Federation

Oct. 5

Delta/Ladd’s Marina – Valley Backlashers

New Melones – Sonora Bass Anglers/Manteca Bassin’ Buddies

Kaweah – Golden Empire Bass Club

Oct. 12-13

Pardee – Nor Cal Bass Tournament of Champions

Oct. 12

Delta/B and W Resort – Great Basin Bassers

Delta/Big Break Marina – 17/90 Bass Club

Delta/Ladd’s Marina – Tri Valley Bassmasters

New Melones – Outlaw Bass Club

Bass Lake – Kerman Bass Club

Nacimiento – Bakersfield Bass Club/San Luis Obispo Bass Ambushers

Oct. 13

Lake Camanche – Modesto Ambassadors

Bass Lake – Kings VIII Bass Club

Oct. 19-20

Camanche – Riverbank Bass Anglers

Tulloch – Yak’A Bass

Oct. 19

Delta/Ladd’s Marina – Christian Bass League

Don Pedro – Cen Cal Elite Bass Tournaments

Eastman – Sierra Bass Club

Nacimiento – Cope’s Tackle and Rod

Oct. 20

Delta/Russo’s Marina – The Bass Hole

Millerton – Fresno Bass Club

Oct. 26

Delta/Ladd’s Marina – Anglers Press Outdoors

Don Pedro – Cen Cal Elite Bass Tournaments

For more go to fresnobee.com/fishing.
