Community garden is coming to the International District. What is its timetable?

Sep. 4—Bernalillo County will begin the process of starting an urban agriculture project in the International District.

The project, facilitated by Open Space, will be a garden focused on teaching agriculture and creating a community-led space for neighborhood residents. Fostering agricultural business in the area is one of the goals.

Located at 317 Wyoming NE, development at the $346,000, three-quarter-acre space purchased in April will begin at the end of the year. Park and Recreation planning manager John Barney estimates the garden will open for public usage early next year.

"The community asked for this, and staff and elected officials made plans, quantified it and made it happen," Barney said.

Some $400,000 was available from the project using American Rescue Plan Act funds. The $54,000 left over will be used to fence off the area. Stormwater infrastructure, a shaded outdoor classroom, demonstration gardens, security fencing, landscaping and irrigation will come as the site develops and will be funded by capital outlay and mill levy (property tax) funds. Future operating costs will be handled by Open Space.

Open Space is a section of the Parks and Recreation department at Bernalillo County that develops and education opportunities and programs throughout various open space and parks systems to support community health and community-based agriculture.

Phase one of the project will be to amend the soil using wood mulch. In the meantime, community members can expect to see raised garden beds to start the growing and gardening process.

Members of the community were invited to a planning session to contribute their thoughts on what the space should have and what the community needs. Among the several suggestions: sustainable gardens, food processing machines and the opportunity for farmers markets.

Community members requested various forms of produce, but it has not yet been determined as to how distribution of produce will happen, only that the goal is to create a community garden where crops grown could be taken home.

Commissioner Adriann Barboa said the space would serve several community needs.

"BernCo's District 3 is the most densely populated area of the county, and this project provides an opportunity for residents to access urban agriculture and enjoy the outdoors.

"Access to open space and gardening has been shown to improve quality of life, as well as public health and safety. I'm thrilled to be able to bring such an important program to the community here," she said. "If we do what the community asks, they're responsible for it."
