Congressional District 03: Teresa Leger Fernández Candidate Q&A

Sep. 27—Congressional District 03: Teresa Leger Fernández

Political Party: Democratic


Family: 3 Children

Education: West Las Vegas, Headstart to High School; Yale College, B.A.; Stanford Law School, JD with distinction.

Occupation: Congresswoman for New Mexico's 3rd District

City of Residence: Santa Fe

Campaign Website

Relevant Experience

Completing second term in Congress. Previously owner of Leger Law & Strategy, represented community organizations and tribes; White House Fellow and Special Assistant to Housing & Urban Development Secretary; Vice-Chair, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; Chair and Executive Committee, Homewise (20 years — affordable housing organization); Vice-Chair, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; Acequia Commissioner.

Should the federal government pass any new regulations on abortion or new protections for abortion access?

In New Mexico we believe decisions about pregnancy belong between a woman, her doctor, her familia, and her faith—without political interference. The Dobbs decision overturned the recognized constitutional right to abortion. We must pass the Women's Health Protection Act to protect reproductive healthcare for everyone, everywhere.

Do you support or oppose protecting access to in vitro fertilization?

I support protecting access to in vitro fertilization. The abortion bans and life at conception laws effectively prohibit in vitro fertilization treatments. A woman deserves to make her own choices about having a family—including using IVF if needed.

How can the federal government improve its response to wildfires and wildfire recovery?

We must hold FEMA accountable and make sure the funds I secured are making it into families' pockets. We must also invest in fire prevention, increased firefighter pay, and reform FEMA so it can better support wildfire survivors—particularly in rural areas.

What is your position regarding climate change? What actions should Congress take, if any, regarding the environment?

Climate change is a threat to everything we love. The disasters are proof. I voted for the largest investments in renewable energy and climate action in our nation's history. We must protect the land, air, and water we rely on while creating good-paying jobs for New Mexicans.

Do you believe the borders are secure enough? If not, what do you propose to increase security? Do you support or oppose building a wall at the southern border?

I support common sense and cost-effective border security measures including increased border patrol and funding for technology to protect our borders and detect illegal drugs. We should also pass immigration reform to create a pathway to citizenship for hardworking undocumented immigrants including Dreamers and farmworkers.

What is the most pressing issue facing New Mexico?

New Mexicans face high costs of living especially when it comes to housing and health care. In Congress, I helped pass legislation to lower health care premiums and prescription drug prices. I'm also leading the Home of Your Own Act to help Americans buy their first home.

How could the federal government help New Mexicans with the rising cost of living?

We must build on the Inflation Reduction Act to lower energy costs, extend lower prescription drug prices to everyone, and hold CEOs accountable for price gouging. We must also pass my Radiation Exposure Compensation Act for those dealing with rising healthcare costs resulting from radiation poisoning.

Federal spending plays an important role in New Mexico's economy. What should be done to increase other economic drivers here?

We must leverage federal investments to spur private innovation. I led efforts to promote technology transfer from our national labs to grow private business. I also helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to invest in roads, water infrastructure, and broadband—all of which is necessary for businesses to succeed.

The House of Representatives has struggled to pass a federal budget in recent years, and the partisan divide continues to intensify. What would be your approach to working with members of the other party?

I serve New Mexicans regardless of their party affiliation. As a Member of the Rules Committee, I have built relationships with many of the Republican Committee Chairs so they understand our needs. I have introduced numerous bipartisan bills like RECA and the Support the West Act in the Farm Bill.

What should be done at the federal level to address the crisis of opioid addiction?

I lost two brilliant brothers to substance abuse and want to make sure no other family feels that deep pain. We must treat opioid addiction as a health care emergency and expand access to treatment and prevention while holding drug makers accountable and keeping illegal drugs from entering the country.

Do you support new ethics rules for the Supreme Court? Do you support or oppose expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court?

To strengthen the Supreme Court and our democracy I have cosponsored legislation to require an enforceable code of conduct, impose term limits, and make sure Justices don't rule on cases where they have conflicts of interest.

Should the United States continue to offer military aid to Ukraine?

I helped pass funding to support Ukraine as it defends itself against Putin's Russia and will continue to do so. Ukraine's success is key to the well-being and security of all democracies around the world including our own.

What role should the United States play in the Israel-Hamas war? Do you support a ceasefire, and if so, how should the U.S. government move toward that goal?

I support a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war to bring the hostages home and end the killing of innocent Palestinians.

Why do you want to serve in Congress?

New Mexico is a place of enormous promise and opportunity. As a daughter of rural New Mexico, I have worked hard to bring the voices of New Mexicans to DC so Congress invests in our communities. I'll keep working hard to create a prosperous future for New Mexico.
