Corn Island grant proposal vote today

Branch County officials will decide this afternoon whether to go forward with an application for a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant to purchase Corn Island and adjacent parcel for public use.

The project raised more controversy than any other in recent years. The purchase would cost nothing, but future use could.

Dale Waligora structured the proposal to donate the required 25% local match for the 27 acres on the north end of Marble Lake. He is willing to discount the $1.1 million appraisal by 25% to meet the local match requirement for the grant.

The appraisal came from the owner, but the Natural Resources Trust will go on its own. The 26 acres obtained in 2011 were assessed by the Quincy Township Board of Review in 2021 for $91,873.

County commissioners only received information on the proposal in February, with an application due April 1.

In January, Branch County Road Commission and Parks Manager Jay Miller said Corn Island owners discussed the grant with them.

There is no public access to the island. That is one of two concerns of Commission Chairman Tim Stoll, who voted against taking it forward to Tuesday's meeting.

"Since this is only accessible by water, it severely limits who can enjoy this space. The second is that there doesn't seem to be a plan for the property if the county takes it over. I would like to see that the accessibility is addressed."

There are also the safety concerns, the recreation purpose, and how it will be maintained.

The low island to the south needs walkways to be usable. Docks were also built for rental. The current owner's representative told the county planning commission yearly income was around $60,000.

Bruce Hildebrand, representing Corn Island, said this money could help with development costs and maintenance,

"I questioned how we would collect revenue from people docking their boat, which was one of the benefits that were mentioned," Stoll said. "I did vote no on this issue. Obviously, the majority voted yes, so the motion to take it to Tuesday's meeting passed. I'll be out of town on Tuesday, so I may not get the chance to vote again on this."

Quincy Township Zoning Administrator Matt Ashenfelter said no permits were issued for any operations.

Branch County Sheriff John Pollack is concerned because his marine patrol needs to be there if the county takes over. He is not sure that would cover the costs.

Miller said if the parks department took over any operation of the parks, it would need to hire someone.

While the four-year-old County Parks Master Plans does not list this as a project, Miller said the county looks to obtain land for conservation, with no planned development or minimal development.


This article originally appeared on The Daily Reporter: Corn Island grant proposal vote today
