Eddie Garcia's family has signed DNR order

17 Jun – With Eddie Garcia still fighting for his life, it was reported that the actor's family has recently signed a "Do Not Resuscitate" (DNR) instruction.

As reported on Inquirer, the family's spokesman Antonio Rebosa recently clarified with the media that the Garcia family is not withdrawing life support as previously rumoured, but has signed a DNR order instead.

The said order means that a medical personnel will not try and resuscitate the patient should he or she goes into cardiac arrest.

However, Rebosa admitted that by signing the order, the family is coming to grips with reality that there is a chance that the actor may not make it.

"His blood pressure is fluctuating," he said.

Garcia has been on critical observation at the Makati Medical Centre since 8 June. The actor was reported to have fractured his cervical spine and went into a coma after tripping over cables as he entered a scene during the filming of his GMA drama, "Rosang Agimat".

(Photo Source: Rappler)
