Faith | In hard times as faith grows, you are never alone

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

I don’t know about you, but I have read that verse a number of times, and many times, I have felt depressed as I read it.

My thoughts usually turn to something like, “Well, that’s impossible ...” or something to that effect. However, I have learned a few things that have helped.

We are all children of a loving Father in heaven. As such, he is going to do everything in his power to make sure we get all the help we need in order to be more like him. Perfection for us is not going to come in this life. In order for us to progress though, opportunities for growth are necessary.

Growth does not come from lazily coasting through life, downing our favorite drink while we watch the clouds roll by, and then find out we won the lottery for the ninth time!

No, growth requires opposition, challenge, obstacles, and trials. Otherwise, how would we learn how to exercise faith? Or humble ourselves? Or learn to rely on a higher power? Or build strength, especially the strength that comes as we rely on our Savior, Jesus Christ?

This is something I am currently learning in my own life.

I haven’t worked for months, now, because of some physical problems I am experiencing. I love my job, and not being able to do it has been very difficult. These problems I am having do not come to me because God hates me, or because he wants to punish me for some cosmic error I have committed.

I have this trial so that I can learn some important lessons that my Father in heaven needs me to learn.

Now, I don’t know what all of those lessons are right now. And I may not know for a while longer. In the meantime, I can trust a few things.

First, I can trust that God has not abandoned me. I can see that in the numerous blessings that surround me. A wonderful wife who has helped me through these past months in countless ways. A family that loves me. Friends who care and check in with me.

I am not alone. And neither is anyone else who goes through hard times. There are always people wanting to help you. And there is always a Father in heaven who is there for you.

Second, at some point, I am going to understand why this trial came to me at this time. This is where my faith comes in. I don’t have all the answers, but he will help me to see when the time is right. And only he knows when the time is right.

In the interim, I just need to trust in him. My faith in him can—and will—strengthen me (and has strengthened me) while the going is tough.

Do I still have days that are tough to handle? Yep. Absolutely. I would love to say that I am always faithful and trusting and positive.

I’m not perfect yet, but this process, this trial, is going to help me get better, physically and spiritually.

I also have daily reminders that he is there. Always watching out for me and my family. Always loving me. Always faithful to me.

I just need to return the favor.

Geoff Simm
Geoff Simm

Guest Spiritual LIfe writer Geoff Simm is a member of the Richland Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Questions and comments should be directed to editor Lucy Luginbill in care of the Tri-City Herald newsroom, 4253 W. 24th Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99338. Or email
