How inflation is impacting the prices of pancake ingredients

Yahoo Finance Live hosts Rachelle Akuffo and Seana Smith break down how inflation is affecting the prices of everyday grocers, such as milk and eggs, that go into making pancakes.

Video Transcript

SEANA SMITH: Better news, I guess. Depends how you look at it, but it is National Pancake Day. And we're taking a look at how inflation, though, has impacted some of the food items in your kitchen. Key ingredients in pancakes include eggs, flour, milk, and butter. And you can see the August price tags of these items from the Bureau of Labor statistics there on your screen. But if you compare what we're seeing today's prices to what we saw pre-pandemic levels, it certainly is a bit of a shift. So milk up just about 37%, eggs up 155%, butter up about 16%, flour up 22% on average.

Rachelle, you and I have talked time and time again how inflation is impacting millions and millions of Americans, every single American living here in the US. Higher food prices even hitting some of our breakfast staples.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: I mean, 155% on eggs. That is mind boggling. But, you know, I mean, National Pancake Day, it's meant to be a celebration of all things delicious and buttery, although we've been hearing about potential butter shortages as well. I mean, I'm still going to be making my pancakes. You know, I think everybody could do with a bit of cheering up right now. Maybe a little less egg or something. Try and stretch it out a little bit.

But in terms of toppings, though, I like-- it's like Nutella, bananas, or I'm going to do simple, like some--

SEANA SMITH: It's good.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: --lemon and a little bit of brown sugar.

SEANA SMITH: And pancakes right now are my three-year-old's--

RACHELLE AKUFFO: What about you?

SEANA SMITH: --favorite. So I haven't been making too many. My mom makes a lot of pancakes for him. But I need to start making more. I don't know. These prices scare me a little bit. But you're right. They're so good. They're hard to give up.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: I make them for my daughter pretty much every single day.


RACHELLE AKUFFO: Like, that's her thing.

SEANA SMITH: That's impressive, Rachelle.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: She gets a pancake and her turkey sausage. Yeah, I think I'm doing too much, frankly.



RACHELLE AKUFFO: Well, that'll do it for today's Yahoo Finance Live. But of course, be sure to come back tomorrow at 3:00 PM Eastern for all of your coverage leading up to and after the closing bell. I'm Rachelle Akuffo, along with Seana Smith. We'll see you then.
