Are ‘Perfect Match’ stars Harry Jowsey and Jess Vestal still together now?


(Warning: Spoilers from Season Two finale of “Perfect Match.”)

Although they didn’t last until the finale, “Perfect Match” Season Two stars Harry Jowsey and Jessica “Jess” Vestal were one of the most talked about couples on the show.

Harry (“Too Hot to Handle” and “Dancing With the Stars”) and Jess (“Love Is Blind” Season Six) started off strong but were later involved in the season’s biggest scandal.

Fellow contestant Melinda Melrose (“Too Hot to Handle” Season Two and “Dated and Related” host) claims that during the “Boys Day” in Episode Eight, Harry kissed her a few times and made sexual comments. He denies her recollection of their interactions and suggests she is using him to get more screen time.

Jess questions Melinda’s intentions and asks if she is “proud” of herself for sharing this information in front of the group. Jess later speaks to Harry about the situation and tries to determine the truth. The penultimate episode ends with Jess contemplating if she should continue her relationship with Harry.

Read on to learn what Jess decided and what she and Harry tell about their romance.

What happened with Jess and Harry in the ‘Perfect Match’ Season 2 finale?

During the first few minutes of Episode 10, Jess reveals that she cannot match with Harry. He departs and she explains her decision in a confessional interview. She says she is choosing herself and remembering what she deserves.

She exits the villa but returns when she is sent on a blind date with Izzy Zapata (“Love Is Blind” Season Five). Jess says she isn’t going to be closed off and wants to give Izzy a chance.

They match, but the following morning they announce to the cast that they are leaving.

She explains that she needs to unmatch because she isn’t OK. The single mom acknowledges she hasn’t been “upfront and honest” about how she is feeling after her breakup with Harry.

When Jess, Harry and the other eliminated contestants reunite with the final couples to vote for the winner, the truth about Harry’s interaction with Melinda is revealed.

Host Nick Lachey gives all the contestants the opportunity to speak about anything they want, and Harry uses the moment to cryptically address his actions on the show.

He says he “disappointed” himself and other people and that he is “grateful” for the time he spent with Jess.

“Obviously, I’m disappointed in the whole situation. And I made some silly decisions and I embarrassed myself. And, you know, wasn’t honest with someone that I really cared about,” he shares.

The show then includes unseen footage from five days ago. In the clip, Harry makes the same vulgar comments that Melinda previously mentioned. They also share a kiss and Melinda is heard saying, “No one’s looking. No cameras. Go ahead.”

Harry is shown telling Chris Hahn (“Dated and Related”) that he did something “really bad” before speaking to producers. He asks them if they filmed him kissing Melinda. “I didn’t mean to do it,” he tells the producers.

Back at the vote, Harry says that he sabotaged his relationship with Jess. She appears to forgive him. “Good people can make bad decisions,” she says. But, she adds, Harry isn’t the kind of man she wants in her life right now.

Melinda does not speak and Harry does not apologize directly to her.

What did Harry and Jess tell about their relationship?

In separate interviews with, Harry and Jess discuss the seriousness of their relationship on "Perfect Match" given that she is a single mom to a preteen daughter, Autumn. On the show, Harry repeatedly expressed that he wanted to be a good man for Jess and her daughter.

Harry tells that he and Jess spoke about how he would fit into her life if they continued their relationship outside of the show.

“She’s very serious about her future. And also having a kid, she kind of has to be to make sure it’s the right man that is going to take care of both of them,” he says.

Harry notes that the show wasn’t an ideal environment to have talks about their potential life together in the real world.

“Off the bat, it probably wasn’t the best place to have those conversations,” he continues. “You know, after a few drinks, because I tend to talk a little bit too much. But yeah, we definitely had a lot of those conversations, and I feel like you kind of have to. I really respect that about her.”

Jess also mentions the casual nature of the show, but says she still took their relationship seriously.

She says after filming “Love Is Blind” she came onto “Perfect Match” “with slightly less expectations, knowing the premise of the show was a little less serious.”

“But I think, just naturally, I date very marriage-minded,” she says. “So as much as I tried to go into it thinking like, ‘Oh, I probably won’t find my husband here.’ It’s like the second I formed a connection I was like, ‘OK, like, obviously, we’re getting married.’”

At the time of the interview, she says she hadn’t seen any of the “Perfect Match” episodes.

Jess adds, “We had a lot of very serious, intimate conversations in private and on camera. I don’t know how much was shown. But, yes, he was very well aware of my life and what my day-to-day routine was.”

Aside from the secret kiss scandal, Harry and Jess struggled in other moments. He repeatedly became emotional when he felt like Jess, and other contestants, were judging him based on his behavior on previous shows.

Harry tells that he also faces judgment in his everyday life.

“I think it’s kind of since ‘Too Hot to Handle,’ since the start of all this stuff, I’ve always had people trying to think that they know some sort of an idea about me. And it’s always interesting when I meet people that I’ve seen that have talked poorly about me online or behind my back, and then they’ve completely changed their tune after meeting me,” he says.

He says having a reputation can be "frustrating," especially in a "big bubble" like "Perfect Match," where "the goal is to gossip and to talk about everyone."

"It kind of sucked because I’m being branded as maybe the person that I was a year ago. So that’s always a little bit tough. I think that you don’t get to see the full scope of someone’s personality, whether it’s on a dating show or social media," he says.

He says he now realizes he can’t change what people think about him.

“I also don’t care. If someone’s with me, they’re with me. And they know I’m not a big d---. Well, only sometimes,” he says.

Are Harry and Jess still together?

The end of the Season Two finale includes an update about Jess and Harry’s relationship. It shows them a month after filming ended driving around together. He says they are “still going strong” and that she plans to move to Los Angeles soon. She clarifies that they are seeing how things go and she wants to feel wooed.

“I wonder when this is gonna come out. We’ll be strong by then. We’ll probably be married by then,” he predicts.

A title card reveals the couple broke up just one week after recording the update.

In a recent interview with Tudum, Jess implied the two still have a rocky relationship.

"I wouldn’t quite call us friends, but we’re definitely not enemies," she shared. "At this point, I just have to meet him where he is. I mean, Harry is Harry."

Although they aren't together, she said she is "grateful of (her) experience" on the show with Harry.

Harry described himself as "violently single" and acknowledged he is "not an easy person to date."

"I’m very busy and bringing someone into that world is really tough,” he told Tudum. “I feel like I would be doing a disservice to anyone to put that burden on them. But when that person does pop up, (I want to be) fully prepared and ready to give them everything that they need.”

This article was originally published on
