Ted Budd, Cheri Beasley agree to debate in NC Senate race. Here’s when to watch

The Republican and Democratic nominees in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race have agreed to a televised debate.

Spectrum News 1 said Wednesday Rep. Ted Budd, the Republican, and former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, the Democrat, will debate Oct. 7. The campaigns also confirmed their participation.

The station’s Tim Boyum will moderate the debate, which will be on cable channel 1 across North Carolina for Spectrum subscribers.

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Beasley “is prepared and ready to meet Congressman Budd on his preferred debate stage — because she believes that every North Carolinian deserves to see the clear choice before them this Fall,” Travis Brimm, Beasley’s campaign manager, said in a statement.

Jonathan Felts, Budd’s senior advisor, said in a statement the Budd campaign looks “forward to Cheri Beasley explaining why she keeps embracing Joe Biden’s reckless spending policies that are driving up inflation and crushing family budgets across NC.”

Neither Budd nor Beasley appeared in a televised debate during the primary election. Budd declined invitations, and Beasley’s top competitor, state Sen. Jeff Jackson, dropped out before appearing on stage with her. The Democratic nominee didn’t debate her other competitors.

Budd and Beasley have been nearly tied in recent polls. The general election is Nov. 8.
