Timeshare 'exit' company to repay more than $73,000 to customers

Aug. 13—A company claiming to provide guaranteed "exit" services for people trying to get out of timeshare agreements was ordered to repay more than $73,000 to customers, officials said Tuesday.

Zachery Tarr and Granite Consulting violated New Hampshire's Consumer Protection Act by engaging in unfair and deceptive business practices, Attorney General John M. Formella said in a written statement.

In March 2023, the state filed a civil complaint against Tarr and Granite Consulting, the company Tarr co-founded and controlled to help people get out of their timeshares. The complaint alleged Tarr and Granite Consulting misrepresented their services as "definite" and "guaranteed" when they were not, continued to advertise services and accept payment after they had no intention of providing services as advertised, and intentionally failed to pay money-back guarantees that they had made while Tarr funneled money out of the company for his own personal use, officials said.

The final judgment, issued Friday in Stafford County Superior Court, orders Tarr and Granite Consulting to pay $73,515.47 taken from victims affected by the defendants' business practices, as well as $22,000 in statutory penalties and $27,742.50 to cover the costs of investigating and prosecuting the case.

To report an unfair or deceptive business practice, call the consumer hotline at 603-271-3641 or e-mail at DOJ-CPB@doj.nh.gov.

