Top 1% Graduates


Originally published by Dan Sanker on LinkedIn: Top 1% Graduates

I’ll probably embarrass them, but congratulations Julia and Ryan for being in the Top 1% of your class!

Two CaseStack people, Julia Monk and Ryan Wilson recently graduated from the Supply Chain MicroMasters course facilitated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It’s a rigorous 18 month course covering all aspects of Supply Chain Management (SCM), including forecasting methodology, inventory management and network optimization.

22,000 students were enrolled in the course, but only 300 students completed the final exam ...Top 1%!

We live by some core values: Collaboration, Hard Work, Intellectual Curiosity, Excellence, Determination. Thanks Julia and Ryan - for having the intellectual curiosity to get involved in the program, the determination to do the hard work to finish with excellence, and for collaborating with the rest our team, customers and partners to build great supply chains.

Dan is the President and CEO of CaseStack and Advisory Director to SupplyPike, and the author of Collaborate: The Art of We.
