Boost your metabolism with these 15 simple HIIT exercises

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The purpose of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is to challenge the body by frequently changing the intensity of the exercise and the type of movement you are doing. For example, adding a set of sprints to your run, or a set of jump squats to your regular squats.

HIIT workouts speed up the metabolism, build muscle, burn fat and increase endurance. Plus, you not only burn more calories while you’re exercising, but after the workout as well, since HIIT creates an “after-burn effect,” in which you burn more calories while at rest.

15 exercises for a HIIT workout at home

You don’t need any fancy equipment to do a HIIT workout at home. By doing a strategic combination of both strength training and cardio, the workout is high intensity and utilizes interval training.

Remember that high intensity doesn’t necessarily mean high-impact. You can still do a HIIT workout if you have knee, hip or joint pain. Opt for the low-impact variations to take pressure off your joints — there are low-impact modifications provided for every high-impact exercise.

To do a HIIT workout at home, choose 5 exercises and put them together into a circuit. Repeat the circuit 3 times through, and do a HIIT workout every other day at the most. On off days, help your muscles recover with 30 minutes of steady state cardio like walking, biking or swimming.

Jumping jacks HIIT exercises
Jumping jacks HIIT exercises

Jumping jacks

Perform 30 jumping jacks. Jump both feet out to the sides as you raise the arms out to the sides and up overhead. Bring the arms down as you jump the feet back to center.

  • Modification for lower impact: Step your right foot out to the right as you raise the arms out to the sides and up overhead. Return your right foot back to center as you bring the arms down. Then, step your left foot out to the left as you raise the arms out to the sides and up overhead. Return your left foot back to center as you bring the arms down. Continue alternating.



Perform 10 Squats. Stand straight with your feet as wide as your hips and your hands on your hips. Bend your knees and sit back into a squat, then press down through the heels to come up to stand.

  • Modification: Half squat: Perform the same movement as the squat except only lower down halfway.

Running in place
Running in place

Running in place

With your feet as wide as your hips, pump your arms as you run as fast as you can in place. Pretend that you’re sprinting after something, but you’re on a treadmill not covering any ground.

  • Modification: Simply walk in place as quickly as you can.

Grapevine exercise
Grapevine exercise

Grapevine with a jump

Start standing with your arms by your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart. Step to the left with your left foot and then step your right foot behind your left foot. Then, step your left foot out to the left again. This is the grapevine. Then, slightly bend your knees as you jump up and clap, landing with softly bent knees. Repeat, moving this time to the right. Alternate left and right, performing 5 times to each side.

  • Modification: Grapevine with a clap: Perform the same movement as above, but eliminate the jump.

Lateral squat with chest press
Lateral squat with chest press

Lateral squat step with chest press

Stand with your feet hips-distance apart and your arms in a goal-post position, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Step to the right and sit down and back into a squat. As you sit into the squat, bring the arms together in front of your body into a chest press. Return to standing and repeat to the other side, stepping to the left foot and squatting down as you bring the arms together into a chest press. Continue alternating. Repeat for a total of three times to the right, and then three times to the left.

Modified lateral squat step with chest press
Modified lateral squat step with chest press
  • Modification: Lateral step with chest press: Perform the same exercise as above except eliminate the squat. Simply step to the right without a squat performing the chest press and then step to the left without a squat.

High knees HIIT exercises
High knees HIIT exercises

High knees

This move is similar to running in place, but you will bring each knee up toward your chest, to about hip height, when you lift the foot off of the ground. Run in between each high knee to keep the pace up.

  • Modification: For a low-impact modification, you can walk the high knees by placing each foot down before raising the opposite leg and knee.

Side shuffle with jumps
Side shuffle with jumps

Side shuffle with jumps

Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, shuffle to the right for five steps. (A shuffle is when you step to the right and then your left foot follows, stepping toward your right so that you’re moving laterally.) After five shuffles, bend your knees into a half squat and then jump up reaching your arms up toward the ceiling and landing with soft knees. Repeat to the left. Perform five times to each side.

  • Modification: Perform the side shuffle, but eliminate the jump.



Begin in squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the floor and shift your weight onto your hands. Kick your feet back behind you so that you’re in pushup position. Perform one pushup, making sure your back is straight and your core is engaged. Jump your feet forward so that you are back in a squat position and stand up. With your arms above your head, jump up. When you land, go straight into squat position and repeat. Perform 10 burpees total.

  • Modification: Because the move incorporates common exercises, it’s easy to eliminate one or two of the steps to make the move more accessible. I recommend skipping the jumps and performing a modified pushup instead of a full pushup. All of the movements remain the same, but instead of jumping after the pushup, simply step forward to return to the squat and then eliminate the jump at the top. When in pushup position, lower the knees and perform a pushup on your knees.

NFL Shuffle
NFL Shuffle

NFL shuffle

Standing with your feet as wide as your shoulders, put your hands up and pitter patter your feet quickly. Stay in place and up on your toes to do complete 20 steps or for 10 seconds total.

  • Modification: Instead of doing the NFL shuffle on your toes, keep your feet flat and simply step one foot up then the other foot up as if you’re walking in place with a wide stance.

Skaters HIIT exercise
Skaters HIIT exercise


Start with your legs a little wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Step the left leg behind the right leg at a slight angle into a reverse lunge. The right knee will bend to a 90-degree angle. Then switch sides by pushing off the right foot and jumping to the left, landing with the left foot in front and the right leg back in a reverse lunge position. Swing the arms as you jump. Alternate your arms as you switch sides and channel your inner speed skater! Repeat 5 times to each side or for 20 seconds.

  • Modification: For a low-impact modification, only bend the knees halfway and go into a halfway reverse lunge. Simply step side to side before sinking into the lunge position instead of jumping.

Lunge to knee drive
Lunge to knee drive

Lunge to knee drive

With the feet as wide as the hips, step the right foot back into a reverse lunge. Then, with force, bring the right knee through center and up toward your chest as you jump on your left foot landing with a slightly bent leg. Without stopping at the center, step the right foot back into the reverse lunge again. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

Modified lunge to knee drive
Modified lunge to knee drive
  • Modification: Perform the lunge to knee drive, but eliminate the jump on the standing leg. Simply drive the knee to the chest, keeping the opposite foot on the ground. You can also tap the foot through center before stepping back into the reverse lunge if you need to reset your balance.

Side shuffle with jump squat
Side shuffle with jump squat

Side shuffle with jump squat

Shuffle to the side four times and then squat down and jump up. Repeat to the other side.

  • Modification: Side shuffle with squat: Complete the side shuffle but instead of doing a jump squat, simply do a squat before moving to the other side.

Mountain climbers
Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers

Begin in plank position, keeping your back straight, your hips low and your core engaged. Bring your right knee under your chest, driving it toward the left elbow, and tap your right foot on the floor. Step it back to plank as you quickly bring your left knee toward the right elbow and tap the foot on the floor. Continue alternating your legs, keeping a steady pace. Remember to breathe and concentrate on engaging your abs, glutes, and hamstrings. Complete 20 total, 10 on each side.

Modified mountain climbers
Modified mountain climbers
  • Modification: In the plank position described above, hover your right knee and foot above the ground as you bring the right knee toward your chest, and then step it back to plank. Repeat with the left leg.

Plank ups HIIT exercise
Plank ups HIIT exercise

Plank ups

Start in a forearm plank position. Press your right hand into the ground and then your left hand to come up into a high plank position. Make sure the shoulders are lined up over the wrists. Then lower down onto your right forearm and then left to lower back to a forearm plank. Repeat 5 times leading with the right, then 5 times leading with the left.

  • Modification: Begin in a forearm plank position on your knees. Perform the plank ups from this position.

Toe touches hiit exercise
Toe touches hiit exercise

Toe touches

Lying down on your back, reach your legs up toward the ceiling. Curl up with your head, neck and chest, and engage your abs. Pulse your hands up toward your toes 10 times, then lower down and rest.

  • Modification: Instead of reaching for your toes, place your hands behind your head and crunch up toward your feet.

This article was originally published on
