Why is Fresno’s police chief being held to a higher moral standard than Donald Trump? | Opinion

JUAN ESPARZA LOERA/jesparza@vidaenelvalle.com

Defending Balderrama

Police chief on leave in Fresno applies to be top cop of major Texas city, report says,” (fresnobee.com, June 19)

Although I am no longer a citizen of Fresno, my two adult children live and work there, so issues that impact their safety are of great concern to me.

That said, the infidelity issue involving Chief of Police Paco Balderrama has concerned me. Why is he being held to a higher standard than someone who is running for president of the United States? A significant percentage of married people cheat on their spouses, and very few of them have owned up to it by admitting their transgressions. Even fewer, including the Republican nominee for president, have asked for forgiveness! Donald Trump’s tactic have been to lie and deny. But that’s not Balderrama’s strategy.

He has been a very effective public servant. I’d hate to see Fresno — a city with a past record of rampant crime — lose a chief who’s making great strides in reducing crime to Texas.

His alleged digressions are between the people immediately involved and should not impact his professional standing. Too many others in powerful positions have made the same error and never paid the price. The chief should not be held to a different standard.

Dan Martinez



Appalling neglect

‘Paint party’ raises money for children’s center mural,” (fresnobee.com, June 23, 2016)

I had the privilege of being the university librarian of Fresno State University for 20 years, from 1988 to 2007. The library accomplished a number of impressive things during that time, including the establishment of the Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children’s Literature.

Dr. Nixon, a beloved professor for many years, left the library a major, near-priceless collection of children’s books as well as a substantial monetary endowment to support it. In its heyday, the center had a library faculty member and two paraprofessionals as its staff. It was one of the leading collections of its kind in the U.S.

But now I have watched from afar as the center has been neglected, denuded of staff and slighted both by library administrators and the university itself, culminating in the suicidal dissolution of an enthusiastic fundraising and support group (Arne Nixon Center Advocates).

This appalling neglect raises two important questions: What is happening to the income from the endowment that Nixon established to support the center? Why does the university not offer the collection and its endowment to one of the many academic libraries that would honor Nixon’s intentions in a way that the university refuses to do?

Michael Gorman

University librarian emeritus


One plus

Vulnerable Central Valley Republicans split on Trump verdict,” (fresnobee.com, June 6)

I’m not a fan of Donald Trump, but today I read about his pledge to spend $500 billion on programs for black businesses, communities and churches. I don’t think US gov’t funding for churches would work out under the Constitution, but the fact that he wants to spend what amounts to 58% of the defense budget to help Black Americans is great.

I don’t want him to win, but if he does it’s good to see at least one plus to his presidency.

David Remus

