We’re not permanently locked into an abusive relationship with former president | Guest column

Our nation’s greatest issues are neglected as Trump uses the fear of his extreme base and the violence he suggests might happen if the election doesn’t go his way, a guest columnist writes.
Our nation’s greatest issues are neglected as Trump uses the fear of his extreme base and the violence he suggests might happen if the election doesn’t go his way, a guest columnist writes.

While we’re waiting for Donald Trump to win the presidency either outright or by successfully overthrowing the election results (he’s learned how now), let’s pay tribute to his single greatest achievement — miniaturization. Science has never been able to create a test for the human trait we call character. Yet, in less than a decade (it only seems like a century) our dynamic demigod has created a 100% accurate test of human character. Simply, one either supports the rule of law and respects voters, or one supports felon Donald Trump.

He makes people smaller.

Trump’s orbit is packed with people throwing away their dignity to climb on the “Trump train.” Treacherous flip-floppers Sens. Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham and former U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy all called out Trump’s lies and coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, and later crawled back after threats of being primaried or worse.

The Republican vice presidential nominee, JD Vance, was handpicked because he completely shrunk to Lilliputian dimensions following his honest criticism of Trump a few short years ago and subsequent betrayal of his own character. Trump prefers the company of men without character because, like him, everything is transactional. No shame, no guilt. Just the deal. Trump’s spin on the corrupt business practice is to keep the FOX-indoctrinated folks entertained while the big dollar deals get done out of camera range.

Even Oklahoma’s Reps. Frank Lucas and Tom Cole criticized Trump’s recent trial and his 34 felony convictions. These men know better. They know Trump is a charlatan and guilty beyond any doubt. They have forfeited the right to speak credibly on law and order and should avoid topics involving morality and character.

Gov. Kevin Stitt decried the “weaponization” of the Department of Justice while ignoring Trump’s vow to sic the DOJ and bring retribution and punishment for any who oppose him. Stitt’s the guy who slunk off to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring during a fundraiser with millionaires, then ditched Trump to back Ron Desantis’ presidential run. Not surprisingly, Stitt reversed again and helped toast Vance’s recent Oklahoma money grab. Stitt should be banned from ever using the word character in public again.

The shame is, our nation’s greatest issues are neglected as Trump uses the fear of his extreme base and the violence he suggests might happen if the election doesn’t go his way. Fear. That’s what it has come down to. As we see these people get smaller, we, too, are shrinking. The Republicans traded in the old slogan of “Character counts” for simply “Be afraid and fall in line, or else… “

There is hope, though. We’re not permanently locked into an abusive relationship with a seditious former president. It doesn’t have to be that way. Freedom is possible. You can get out. Forget policy differences. Forget FOX. Just go. Get out of the house. Take your family and friends. Build a new life, a life with objective information and without insults and threats. Let go of the fear and anger some politicians and networks stoke in you. You can do this.

Jon Womastek
Jon Womastek

Jon Womastek is a longtime Oklahoma City businessman, humorist and political commentator.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Donald Trump's orbit includes politicians who call him out, then flip
