Omro school district lands $500K grant to boost school safety

OMRO — School District of Omro has earned a $500,000 grant to upgrade safety features such as installing doors to compartmentalize buildings and updating the keying system throughout the district.

The grant comes as part of the Community Oriented Policing Services' School Violence Prevention Program grant. The district said in a news release the grant is a competitive award program designed to provide funding to improve security at schools and on school grounds.

The district is one of 206 selected applications from the 1,022 submitted to the COPS office. While applications were selected from across the country, Omro was one of a only few selected to receive the full $500,000, which is the largest grant awarded of eight recipients in the state of Wisconsin.

The district said it anticipates starting the project during the current school year.

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Contact Brandon Reid at 920-686-2984 or Follow him on Twitter at @breidHTRNews.

This article originally appeared on Oshkosh Northwestern: Omro school district lands half-million-dollar grant for school safety
