New WTVP CEO vows 'season of transparency' will start for the Peoria public station

Peoria native Jenn Gordon speaks after being introduced as the new CEO of WTVP during a press conference Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the public television station's headquarters on State Street in Peoria.
Peoria native Jenn Gordon speaks after being introduced as the new CEO of WTVP during a press conference Thursday, March 21, 2024 at the public television station's headquarters on State Street in Peoria.

WTVP-TV has its new CEO.

Jenn Gordon, a Peoria native and former executive director of ArtsPartners, will be the public television station's new CEO.

Gordon said at her introductory news conference on Thursday she is excited about the future of the station and said she is "here for the long haul." Her first day with WTVP is April 22.

"We are at the precipice of something that I can only imagine only what's going to happen in the next five years because we have something that maybe WTVP hasn't had ... momentum," Gordon said. "This is a time for our community to reengage and reexperience for the first time this incredible asset that Peoria has."

Gordon replaces former CEO and President Lesley Matuszak, who resigned and then took her own life last summer and is now the subject of a criminal investigation into her handling of the station's finances.

Gordon said restoring trust in her position will be all about transparency "from the inside out" at WTVP and making sure the community "has a voice."

"This is going to be a season of transparency. ... I had an opportunity to meet with the staff earlier today, and it's going to be a time of listening to staff members and really working on transparency from the inside out, and we want to model to the community what we want the community to perceive of us," Gordon said.

More: An in-depth look at WTVP's future and criminal investigation

Gordon was selected from a pool of roughly 70 resumes submitted for the job that was eventually narrowed down to three finalists.

WTVP Board of Directors Chairman John Wieland said all the candidates were interviewed and then given a weighted score by the search committee in eight categories: Leadership, management, grant writing, non-profit experience, public speaking, fiscal responsibility, engagement in public TV and courage.

Gordon was selected unanimously based on both her weighted scores and a "gut feeling" survey of the board, Wieland said.

"There was just clarity," Wieland said. "We feel lucky. I think she is a diamond in the rough and that people are going to remember this day."

Wieland said the results of 600 community surveys received by the station show that a majority of respondents are happy with WTVP in the wake of everything that has happened over the past year.

WTVP sent out a survey to 7,000 emails it has on file and received about 600 back, more than 70% of those who responded said they were "happy" or "very happy" with WTVP, Wieland said. Only about 8% said they were unhappy.

More: WTVP audit sheds new light on the television station's steep financial losses in 2023

"The fact that only 8% that responded classified themselves as disappointed is a huge win for restoring that trust and confdence in WTVP," Wieland said.

The survey sent out was a programming survey that can be taken at One of the questions of 16 in the survery about station programming asked "what is your current opinion of WTVP: Very happy, happy, so-so, disappointed?"

There are plenty of new faces in WTVP's leadership, and Gordon will be the person in charge of it all. She will report to the WTVP board of directors and its 13 new board members who replaced those who resigned in January.

WVTP is attempting to turn the page on what has been a tumultuous past eight months in which the station has endured a financial crisis and resignation and death of Matuszak.

The station is still awaiting the findings of investigations by the Peoria Police Department and Illinois Attorney General's Office. The WTVP board of directors believes that Matuszak mishandled or stole roughly $300,000.

Who is Jenn Gordon?

Gordon was the executive director for ArtsPartners for Central Illinois from 2015 to 2022. She also served as the host for WCBU's weekly radio show Out and About.

She most recently worked as the executive administrator for Grace Presbyterian.

Before returning to Peoria in 2015 she lived and worked in New York City for the piano maker Steinway and Sons from 2011 to 2015.

She and her husband, Eric, have three children.

More: WTVP is at the center of a financial crisis. Here's what we know so far

This article originally appeared on Journal Star: Jenn Gordan named new CEO of WTVP-TV
