Perseid meteor shower to peak in August

Look to the sky this August for a chance to see a meteor streak across the horizon.

The annual Perseid meteor shower is in full swing, with its peak expected to come in mid-August.

What is the Perseid meteor shower?

This meteor shower happens each summer, including a shooting star display. Meteors formed from leftover comet particles and bits of broken asteroids leave debris trails that the Earth passes through each year, according to NASA. The asteroid bits disintegrate in the atmosphere, creating colorful streaks in the sky.

When is the Perseid meteor shower?

The Perseid meteor shower begins in mid-July and runs through late August each year. This summer, the Perseids will peak the night of Aug. 12 until before dawn on Aug. 13, according to

Why is it called Perseid?

The name Perseid meteor shower or Perseids comes from the Greek Perseidai, or sons of Perseus, referring to Greek mythology, according to the Farmer's Almanac.

Optimal viewing

To ensure the best chance of viewing this meteor shower, here's a few things you can do:

  • Turn off the lights to let your eyes adjust to the dark.

  • Select an open viewing area for an unobstructed look at the sky.

  • Check the weather forecast, as clear skies ensure best viewing conditions.

  • Keep your eyes up on the sky to catch fast meteors, visible for a second or two as they whizz through the sky.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Perseid meteor shower peak set for mid-August; what to know
