Q&A with Republican 3rd District state House candidate Micah Goring; why is he running?

Republican Micah Goring is a U.S. Air Force veteran and small business owner seeking to win he 3rd District state House seat in the Nov. 5 general election.

Goring, 46, hopes to unseat incumbent Democrat Ryan Bizzarro, who has held the seat since 2013.

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The 3rd District includes Millcreek and Fairview townships.

According to his campaign website, Goring was orn in Indonesia to missionary parents. He was raised in Indonesia and the Philippines, and attended the United States Air Force Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.

He worked in a communications unit based in Japan during his Air Force service, and later served at a communications center and as an Air Force Liaison in Washington, D.C.

Goring is married with three children, and he lives in Fairview. He and his wife own a vending business. His answers to Erie Times-News questions were edited for length and clarity.

Goring's reason for seeking re-election, priorities, and future plans

Question: Why did you decide to run for this office?

I believe in government of, by, and for the people. Our nation is a self-governing nation. That means we don’t need self-proclaimed experts representing us, but regular folks just like you and me who understand the impact that laws and regulations have on working people.

If elected, what would be your priorities?

My top priority is this district; not promoting myself or running for higher office. My top policy priorities will be fully funding our public schools, providing more educational opportunities through school choice, promoting the skilled trades, and keeping our streets safe from dangerous drugs like fentanyl. The incumbent supports giving criminals a “get out jail free card” in the form of cashless bail. We need to support law enforcement and reject reckless policies that increase the danger criminals pose to our kids.

What unique perspective would you bring to the office?

I grew up overseas. I saw first-hand what happens to countries that don’t have our values of individual liberty and personal responsibility. My opponent is attacking me as not being “one of us” because I did not grow up in Erie. I think the fact that I chose to make Erie my home makes me a more attractive candidate.

How would you help the region on the state level in Harrisburg?

An old quote says, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Sadly, too many politicians get that exactly backwards: they don’t care how much good they do as long they get all the credit. My focus in Harrisburg will be ensuring that the taxpayers of Millcreek and Fairview get a return on their investment. I have a track record of working with diverse groups of people and delivering results.

Contact Kevin Flowers at kflowers@timesnews.com. Follow him on X at @ETNflowers.

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Q&A: 3rd Dist. state House candidate Micah Goring on his platform
