Quaker Quick Take: Looking ahead and celebrating New Philadelphia School Board members

As the new year begins and with January being School Board Appreciation Month, I want to take the opportunity to express gratitude for our New Philadelphia City Schools Board of Education.

We are thankful for the ongoing commitment and valuable insights of returning members Todd MacMath and Denver Gallentine. We are also delighted to welcome new members Amanda Fontana, Kelly Ricklic, and Jenn Schrock, whose fresh perspectives and enthusiasm promise to bring inspiring leadership to our community.

Amy Wentworth
Amy Wentworth

A cornerstone of our 2023-2025 strategic plan is the development of a comprehensive master facilities plan. Central to this goal is our commitment to engaging with you, our community. Your feedback, ideas, and vision for the future of our schools are not just welcomed ‒ they are essential.

In this spirit, we invite you to our upcoming facility planning meeting 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jan. 23, at the New Philadelphia Schools Board Office, 248 Front Ave. SW. This meeting is a platform for all voices in our community to be heard and a chance to actively participate in shaping the future of our facilities.

To stay informed and involved, we encourage you to visit our website at npschools.org. Here, you can find detailed information about our Facility Master Planning Project ‒ simply click on the tab at the top of the page.

I am filled with optimism and excitement for the great things ahead for New Philadelphia City Schools in 2024. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and uphold the proud legacy of the Quakers.

Amy Wentworth is superintendent of New Philadelphia City Schools.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: New Philadelphia school board members provide valuable insights
