Redditors Commiserate On Climbing Costs Of Living

Close up of man hands holding and empty wallet. financial crisis, bankruptcy, no money, bad economy Concept.
Suriyawut Suriya/istockphoto

Times Are Most Certainly Tough.

It's all at once horrifyingly remarkable and daunting to assess as a whole the inflating state of, well, pretty much all of the things we purchase to get by in this life. Across the board, costs seem adamant on continuing their determined climb. If "money never sleeps" could inflation go into hibernation for a while?

This AskReddit thread brings folks together to justly commiserate on how far inflation has gone, and how even with a bright, shiny new job promotion, you can find yourself living paycheck to paycheck. Read on for some of the top comments.

Reddit screenshot about how person who leads healthy lifestyle can barely make ends meet.

The Game of Life Ain't Cheap.

It's no overpriced "easy" cookie to swallow when you lead a healthy lifestyle, work on being smart with your money, and then still barely make ends meet.

Reddit screenshot about how with a good job someone still has to worry about having enough funds for gas money.
Reddit screenshot about how with a good job someone still has to worry about having enough funds for gas money.

The Struggle Is Real And Felt By Many.

Now that's just plain old downright unfair.

Reddit screenshot about how even with raises at your job it's too expensive to eat out.

Eating Out Is A True Indulgence Nowadays.

It shouldn't be such a financially stress-inducing event to eat out at a restaurant when you have numerous job raises underneath your belt.

Reddit screenshot about how inflation continues to get worse.

And So The Mess Continues To Mess.

Cutting back on groceries doesn't even seem to help the financial pains.

Related: 7 Money-Saving Grocery Store Hacks, According to Redditors

Reddit screenshot about how the paycheck doesn't go as far as it used to.

The Paycheck Just Doesn't Hit Like It Used To.

If this describes your situation, at least you know you're not alone.

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Reddit screenshot about a salaried job feeling like a minimum wage job.
Reddit screenshot about a salaried job feeling like a minimum wage job.

A Salaried Gig Shouldn't Feel Like A Minimum Wage Gig.

Yet, yet, here we are. Too many folks are muddling through intensely demanding salaried jobs, only to again and again come to the bitter collective realization that they're receiving paychecks that in no way align with all their hard work.

Related: Salary vs. Hourly: Which Is Better for Employees?

Reddit screenshot about increasing wage by almost 50% and still struggling financially.

Now This Is Just Blasphemous.

Sometimes you read something and all you can do is shake your head in overwhelmed disappointment. This might be one of those times.

Reddit screenshot about someone finally hitting $100K and feeling like they're making less than half of that.

Still Though, Good For Them.

This is definitely one of those outlier cases, but if they are truly struggling on the $100K ... yikes, indeed.

Reddit screenshot about the ever testy gas prices.

Those Gas Prices Will Get Ya.

It seems to always come back to those gas prices.

Reddit screenshot about someone not even caring about savings anymore.

They've Just Thrown In The Towel Altogether.

Well, that's certainly one approach.

Reddit screenshot about couple's realization in terms of inflation coming about over pasta prices.

Not The Pasta.

Clearly, nothing is sacred anymore. Inflation shouldn't have brought pasta into this.
