Riley Gaines, Kim Reynolds talk of 'evil' and deepen trans Iowans' isolation

I’m a gay man who came out in 1976. Around 1986 a young man dropped off a letter at Lucullan’s Italian Grill in Ames where I worked. The letter recounted how his parents had disparaged the fa----- who owned the restaurant. He said that if it weren’t for us, he would have killed himself. We never met him.

It was that day that my partner, now husband, and I committed to being open and visible despite the cost to our business. It wasn’t easy. We suffered church boycotts.

In 1997 the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames was updating our bylaws and particularly our non-discrimination policy. My husband, Mark Kassis, led the group, and we produced an excellent policy. However, we ran into interference, so, under protest, we removed inclusion of trans men and trans women.

The main objection was that no one understood the issue.

Turned out that our next Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, our national convention, hosted Leslie Feinberg as a speaker. He had just finished his book, "Transgender Warrior," published by our Unitarian Universalist Beacon Press. It was the right person in the right place at the right time — one of our trusted elder members came back, and Mark and I didn’t need to say another word.

After a year of talking and educating about the issue, we passed the new non-discrimination clause unanimously — two more votes than we got without including trans people.

In 2011, our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hosted Joni Stacy, the regional representative for PFLAG (Parents, Friends of Lesbian and Gays, now inclusive of the whole alphabet — LGBTQiA). Stacy is a fierce mother bear of Jazz, her trans daughter. Stacy told a compelling story — taking her toddler to the store and her attachment to all things girl, lots of pink and sparkles while rejecting all things boy.

Iowa’s first bathroom bill was passed in 2007. The law said you could use whichever restroom where you feel comfortable. In 2023, after 16 years of no problems, our Legislature passed a bathroom bill prohibiting the use of restrooms not aligned with your birth certificate gender. Iowa now bans medical care for trans kids.

NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines reads an email from her phone during Gov. Kim Reynolds Harvest Festival at the Elwell Family Food Center at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 14, 2023 in Des Moines.
NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines reads an email from her phone during Gov. Kim Reynolds Harvest Festival at the Elwell Family Food Center at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 14, 2023 in Des Moines.

And now we have Riley Gaines telling Gov. Kim Reynolds’ followers at the governor's fundraiser that this is an issue of moral vs evil. Reynolds says her heart goes out to parents of trans children, but apparently her heart stops when it comes to embracing trans children. According to research in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 82% of trans kids think about killing themselves and 40% attempt suicide.

More: At Kim Reynolds' event, Riley Gaines says transgender identities are 'spiritual warfare'

A study in JAMA Network Open: “In this prospective cohort of 104 TNB youths aged 13 to 20 years, receipt of gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones, was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality over a 12-month follow-up.”

We elect officials to represent all citizens. Our youth suicide rates are out of control. We need to start with loving all our citizens. No one is disposable.

Terry Lowman lives in Ames.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Trans Iowans aren't disposable. Kim Reynolds, Riley Gaines are wrong.
