Safety tips for drivers, bus riders, walkers as Springfield area students go back to class

As Springfield area students return to class and school buses once again take to the road, the American Red Cross is offering common sense safety tips.

Springfield, Ash Grove, Nixa and Willard classes will start Monday. The first day for Bolivar, Chadwick, Clever, Fair Grove, Logan-Rogersville, Marshfield, Ozark, Republic, Sparta, Spokane, Strafford, and Walnut Grove is Aug. 20.

Springfield Public Schools held a Back to School Bash on July 27 to help families access supplies and other resources for the 2024-25 school year.
Springfield Public Schools held a Back to School Bash on July 27 to help families access supplies and other resources for the 2024-25 school year.

Missouri State University, Drury University, Southwest Baptist University and Ozarks Technical Community College will begin classes Monday.

College of the Ozarks and Evangel University start later.

This safety checklist was created to help families prepare students for the start of the 2024-25 year. It includes a few reminders for drivers as classes resume:

  • Slow down;

  • Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is getting ready to stop — slow down and be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign indicate the bus is stopped and children are getting on or off;

  • Motorists must stop when they are behind a bus, meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus is stopped;

  • Motorists following or traveling alongside a school bus must also stop until the red lights have stopped flashing, the stop arm is withdrawn, and all children have reached safety. This includes two and four-lane highways;

  • If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping. Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety.

For young or first-time students

Events like "Meet the Teacher" and orientations will help students get oriented in their new school, meet teachers and get other tips. A checklist for students who are younger or going to school for the first time includes:

  • Teach them their phone number, address, how to get in touch with their parents at work, how to get in touch with another trusted adult and how to dial 911;

  • Explain they should not talk to strangers outside of the school or accept rides from someone they do not know.

For students who walk to school

The City of Springfield and Springfield Public Schools have posted recommended elementary school walking route maps online. They can be found at

The routes identify approved school crossing locations, reduce the amount of times students have to cross a busier street, and make use of existing traffic signals and stop signs.

A News-Leader file photo shows students crossing a road near Harrison Elementary with the help of a crossing guard.
A News-Leader file photo shows students crossing a road near Harrison Elementary with the help of a crossing guard.

Here are safety tips for students who will walk to school:

  • Walk on the sidewalk but if no sidewalk is available, walk facing traffic;

  • Stop and look left, right and left again to see if cars are coming;

  • Cross the street at the corner, obey traffic signals and stay in the crosswalk;

  • Never run out into the street or cross between parked cars.

For students who ride the bus

At this point, students signed up to ride the bus should have been informed of their pick-up and drop-off spot and the approximate time the bus will arrive.

Safety tips from the American Red Cross and Springfield Public Schools include:

  • Get to the bus stop early and never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus;

  • Board the bus only after it has come to a complete stop and the driver or attendant has instructed them to get on;

  • Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion;

  • Students must not, at any time, extend arms, heads, or objects out of the bus windows;

  • Stay in clear view of the bus driver and never walk behind the bus.

For students who ride a bike or drive

A few tips for students who ride a bike or drive to and from school:

  • Students who ride bikes should wear a helmet and ride on the right in the same direction as the traffic is going;

  • Students who drive should wear a seatbelt and avoid using their cellphone or eating and drinking while driving.

More: SPS changes rules for displaying Safe Space stickers, requires training

For students involved in sports

The American Red Cross offered safety tips for students who sign up for sports:

  • Wear protective gear, such as helmets, protective pads;

  • Warm up and cool down;

  • Watch out for others;

  • Know the location of the closest First Aid Kit and automated external defibrillator or AED.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Safety tips for students, drivers as Springfield area schools reopen
