Shannon Bray, candidate for U.S. Senate

Name: Shannon W. Bray

Political party: Libertarian

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 50

Campaign website:

Occupation: Tech entrepreneur

Education: Master of Science; working on a Ph.D. in computer science.

Have you run for elected office before? Yes, this is my second race for the U.S. Senate.

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: N/A.

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your constituents and what will you do to address them?

Presenting new ideas to improve the economy, presenting new ideas on how to make the government more efficient and ensuring body autonomy.

What action by Congress would you support to help reduce inflation?

Inflation is a tax on the poor. Raising rates pushes this down on the citizens. Instead of taking more money from the taxpayers we should return their tax dollars to them to help them pay for the goods and services their family needs.

What federal legislation would you support on abortion?

None; leave it to the states.

Should members of Congress be banned from owning and trading individual stocks?


What changes in U.S. immigration enforcement and restrictions would you support?

We need stronger technology at the border to restrict the flow of criminals while making it easier for people to apply for various visas. Right now, it is extremely difficult.

What legislation would you support to make Americans safer from crime? What legislation would you support to make mass shootings less likely?

We need better criminal justice reform but we also need to repeal the war on drugs. The war on drugs has locked up, in disproportionate numbers, minorities and low-income people. We should only be locking up violent offenders. Mass shootings are not a gun control issue. We need to focus on fixing the divide in our country that spills out into our social platforms. Social media is helping to define clusters of people who find the same identities. Mass shooters are typically suicidal.

What, if anything, does Congress need to investigate?

Why does the government continue to spy on its citizens.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?

