You would be surprised at who is watching TV with captions. Hint: It’s not just boomers

Years ago, while watching the fabulous actor Benedict Cumberbatch in the TV series “Sherlock,” I was too embarrassed to admit I could barely follow the show’s dialogue. I blundered through the 15 or so episodes by filling in the words I couldn’t make out. It was exhausting.

However, when The Hubby and I moved on to the blockbuster “Downton Abbey,” I broke down and asked for the relief of captions. Because English is my second language, I assumed the British accent was too foreign for my ear. I was wrong.

“I thought it was me, not you!” The Hubby said. “I was blaming it on my hearing aids.”

Soon enough we discovered we were not alone. Another couple confessed they had been using captions as well. They blamed it on their TV set, and the four of us laughingly chalked up the situation to one of the many indignities of growing old.

I didn’t think about those captions rolling across the bottom of my screen much. They had become a normal part of my TV-viewing experience, as unobtrusive as my eyeglasses. I could survive without either, but their availability made my life so much easier.

Then at a son’s house, I noticed that all his shows, including the innumerable sports programs he watches, were captioned. None were even in the King’s posh English. He simply prefers captioning because that way he doesn’t worry about interruptions from the barking dog or the crying baby or the neighbor’s lawn mower.

Turns out more and more people are using the closed-caption option when watching TV, and — phew! — it has nothing to do with aging, hearing acuity or the foreign-to-my-ears British accent. A recent survey that’s gotten lots of attention reveals that about half of all Americans watch captioned entertainment at some time.

Here’s the best part: The younger you are, the more likely you are to turn on the option. Please read that last sentence one more time. It gave me great pleasure to write it.

At any rate, the survey, by the language learning platform Preply, polled Americans across generations about their entertainment viewing habits. Gen Z — those born between 1997 and 2012 — were much more likely to be frequent subtitle users compared to older viewers, and by a sizable margin, no less. Seventy percent of Gen Z watched with captions, while 53% of millennials did. Baby Boomer, my generation, clocked in at a mere 35%.

Reasons for choosing captions sound familiar. Most people (72%) cited muddled audio, with a difficult-to-understand accent as the second-closest reason (61%). Another 29% said they prefer subtitles because it’s the easiest way to watch quietly, without disturbing roommates or family. Some even use the option to help learn a new language.

This survey isn’t the only one that underscores Americans’ increasing use of closed captioning, though some cite other reasons for the growing popularity. One survey, for instance, pointed out that younger people have grown up watching more foreign films, and thus are accustomed to using subtitles for translation. In fact, the closed-captioning trend is so big that one business story even featured various captioning software startups.

I’m so relieved. I can now proudly proclaim my dependence on the ticker-tape display of text on my screen. Too bad I grappled so long and hard with the clipped tones of British English when all along I was a pioneering part of a hot media trend.

Ana Veciana-Suarez
Ana Veciana-Suarez

Ana Veciana-Suarez writes about family and social issues. Email her at or visit her website Follow @AnaVeciana.
