That Surprising 'Ms. Marvel' Post-Credits Scene, Explained

Photo credit: Marvel Studios
Photo credit: Marvel Studios

Marvel has almost single-handedly reinvented the superhero genre. When audiences sit down in theaters for a new movie, it's all but guaranteed there's going to be a post-credits scene teasing the next franchise installment, or just a fun, whimsical wink at the diehard fans who've watched a few minutes of scrolling names, denoting everyone who tirelessly worked on the film. In the case of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, the second credits scene even paid tribute to some of director Sam Raimi's oldest fans.

Now that Marvel's ventured into television as well, post-credits scenes are still a mainstay of the company's endeavors. These stingers are the perfect way to connect Marvel's various characters across time, space, and dimensions, while still ensuring a contained story. If you miss a post-credits scene, it won't ruin your viewing experience, but you may miss a few Easter eggs and teasers for whatever is coming next.

Ms. Marvel's Season 1 post-credit scene was short, but gave us just enough of a surprise to get us exciting for a key upcoming MCU film. In fact, it's one of the most direct post-credit scenes we've seen in a while, considering Marvel's Phase 4 is overall turning out to be a disconnected journey to some as yet unclear climax. We know exactly where Kamala Khan is headed next, and we know exactly which superhero she'll be with.

Here's the Ms. Marvel Season 1 post-credits scene explained. Be warned: it's nothing but spoilers from here on out for Ms. Marvel Season 1.

Ms. Marvel Post-Credits Scene Explained

In the Season finale of Ms. Marvel, Kamala saves herself and her friends from Damage Control, the shady government organization hellbent on containing superheroes. After all is said and done, the credits roll (and we find out something very (!!!!!!!) important about Kamala's lineage) and we see her once again in her room, still wearing her superhero costume.

Of course, superheroes never seem to get rest, and Kamala is no exception. As soon as she lies down in bed her bangle starts glowing. Then, in a quick flash we see Kamala disappear...and none other than Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers in her place. They've clearly switched places (not bodies, we're not in Freaky Friday). If they switched bodies, Kamala (in Carol's body) would have looked in the mirror and been far more confused; this didn't happen.

Photo credit: Marvel Studios
Photo credit: Marvel Studios

This post-credits scene was pretty expected. You can't have Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers' number one fan, and not include a cameo from the woman herself. We just didn't expect Captain Marvel to show up the way she did, you know, without Kamala.

We don't know where Kamala is, nor why Captain Marvel was able to link to Kamala through her bangles (which glowed in an aura similar to that of Captain Marvel). Did Captain Marvel find the other bangle to contact Kamala? In episode 3, we did learn Kamala's great-grandmother Aisha never found the second set, so perhaps Captain Marvel discovered it. Is Kamala somehow similar in genetic makeup to Carol? Keep in mind that in Episode 3 we saw the bangle on a blue arm. You know who else has blue arms? Kree. Just saying!

Maybe Kamala is in space? With Harry Styles?? We can only speculate for now. For now, though, all roads are leaving us to get our answers in The Marvels, set to premiere in theaters July 28, 2023. Most likely, the duo—along with Teyonah Parris' Monica Rambeau—will figure this out early in the film, before realizing that they might have bigger fish to fry.

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