Tallahassee city commission votes 3-2 to pass 2025 budget. Here's what's in it

Tallahassee City Hall where city commission meetings are held along with other city related events, taken from behind the building Tuesday, September 3 2024.
Tallahassee City Hall where city commission meetings are held along with other city related events, taken from behind the building Tuesday, September 3 2024.

Tallahassee city commissioners on Wednesday night voted an unsurprising 3-2 to approve their 2025 final budget, which comes in at $1.2 billion.

With only one day until Hurricane Helene's touchdown in Tallahassee, the commission cast its final vote on the budget, which includes a nearly 10% increase in property values, as the city raises an additional $6 million in revenue.

The budget has only further emphasized the friction on the dais as they've traded barbs over the many budget meetings.

For the entirety of the yearlong process, commissioners have maintained a 3-2 split when it comes to support for the 2025 budget. The majority voting bloc of Mayor John Dailey and Commissioners Dianne Williams-Cox and Curtis Richardson have been in full support of the budget, even when it was projected to have a $3.8 million deficit.

The minority, Commissioners Jack Porter and Jeremy Matlow have been critical for its lack of rollback on the property tax rate and its built-in pay raises, which would include high ranking employees such as the city manager, who is currently paid $272,935 and the city attorney, who is paid $230,048.

Highlights of the city of Tallahassee's 2025 budget

  • With a 9.24% increase in property values from 2023 to 2024, the city will reap an additional $6 million in revenue.

  • The property tax rate was kept the same at last year’s level, which is $4.45 for every $1,000 of property value.

  • Across-the-board pay raises of 4.2%.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Tallahassee commission OKs 2025 budget in 3-2 vote. What's inside?
