What temperature to set your air conditioner at for summer and in a heat wave

The first heat wave of the summer is expected to bring peak temperatures that could feel like the low 100s in New Jersey and beyond.

As temperatures soar across the nation during an intense heat wave, experts are advising residents to set their air conditioners to certain levels for optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Of course, comfort levels may vary.

What temperature should you set your air conditioner?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you should set your AC temperature to 78 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

The U.S. Department of Energy suggests by maintaining an indoor temperature of 78 degrees, homeowners can reduce their energy bills while still keeping their homes comfortable.

Tips to keep your home cool

In addition to adjusting the thermostat, experts recommend several other measures to stay cool:

  1. Use fans: Ceiling fans or portable fans can help circulate cool air, making your space feel cooler without having to lower the thermostat.

  2. Close curtains and blinds: Keep sunlight out by closing curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day to reduce the heat entering your home.

  3. Seal leaks: Ensure windows and doors are sealed properly to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from entering.

  4. Programmable thermostat: Use a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature automatically when you're not home, setting it higher when the house is empty and lowering it when you return.

  5. Regular maintenance: Keep your AC unit well-maintained by cleaning or replacing filters regularly to ensure it operates efficiently.

Is 78 degrees comfortable to sleep in?

For many people, 78 degrees can feel too warm for comfortable sleep. The ideal sleeping temperature recommended by sleep experts typically ranges from 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. This range helps your body maintain a lower core temperature, which is conducive to better sleep quality.

If you find 78 degrees too warm for sleeping, consider these tips to stay cool at night:

  1. Use fans: A ceiling or portable fan can help circulate air and create a cooling breeze.

  2. Light bedding: Opt for lightweight, breathable bedding materials like cotton or linen.

  3. Cool showers: Take a cool shower before bed to lower your body temperature.

  4. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help regulate your body temperature.

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: What temperature to set your air conditioner in a heat wave
