Tiny Chihuahua Takes a Dip in the ‘Big Boy Pool’ and It’s Cuteness Overload


Some dogs love getting in the water, while others are leery of it. Cedric is a tiny Chihuahua who loves the water, and his parents posted a video on Friday, July 19th of him enjoying his 'big boy pool' for the first time this summer. He’s a natural!

The video isn’t very long and shows Cedric’s dad gently placing him in the water. Of course, before his little paws even hit the water, he’s already practicing his swimming technique. He takes a quick lap from one side of the pool to the other before his dad lifts him out. I wish the video was longer!

Wasn't this too cute?!  In the caption, Cedric’s parents say that he is a senior dog. The Chihuahua has still got it; he can swim pretty quickly for being an old guy!  Commenters got a kick out of Cedric’s swimming too. Commenter @Bo laughed, "Soggy doggy! Get him ducky towel!" @Mi Bubu pointed out, "It's Cedric Phelps!" and @Mooms added, "He was getting his propellers ready before getting in the pool lol!"

Related: Video of Two Chihuahuas Having a Pool Party Is Serious Cuteness Overload

Summertime Water Activities for Dogs

We brought home a puppy back in March, and for whatever reason, I just assumed that she would like to play in the water. We had West Highland Terriers years ago, and we couldn’t keep them out of their doggy pool. But my new puppy is not a fan of the pool or the lake. She doesn’t even like playing in the sprinklers!

If your pooch loves the water, there are all kinds of activities you can do with them! Splash pads and kiddie pools are always a hit if you don't have a pool in your backyard. You can even buy water toys for them to 'hunt' for while they're playing in the pool or kiddie pool. Toys that float can be used to play fetch with; you can throw the toy and have them bring it to you and drop it in the water.

What you'll probably notice is that while you are filling up the pool, your dog is trying to chase the hose and bite the water. The hose in itself can turn into a fun water game that you can play with your dog.

Water toys that connect to the sprinkler are always fun for dogs to play with, too. Heck, even the old school sprinklers that attach to the hose are fun for them to play in, and bonus points because they get to play, and you can water your yard or garden at the same time! And I bet your kids will join in, too!

One thing that my dog does love to do is bob for ice cubes. We have a big tub we fill up with water and then we put ice cubes and frozen fruits and veggies in it for her to try to grab with her mouth. She loves it and gets so excited every time we fill up the tub!

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